I'm just kidding, Jake's not that bad. 

 "Merry Christmas!" He grinned, tossing a hat at Clara, which she caught effortlessly and grinned. She has this weird thing for Santa hats, I dunno why. Jake and Nessie both held up two handfuls of various bags, smiling like the losers they are. "We bring gifts!" 

 "You better have gotten me one, Black!" I yelled, sitting back on the couch with Jasper's arm wrapped around me, leaning into his side. "If not I might just have to kill you." 

 "You've already punched me like, a million times, I think I'll survive." 

 Nessie shot her boyfriend a concerned look, her dark hair swishing around her shoulders as she shook her head and walked over to hug her parents. Bella kissed her forehead, grinning at Edward who did the same. As Renes- ew, sorry, I can't do it- Nessie, grew up, she began to resemble Edward less and less, and Bella more and more. She even looks like me a little bit, in the way that her hair is lighter than Bella's, and when she smiles you think she is going to rob you. 

 Just like Auntie Court!

 "It is impossible to buy gifts for dad," she mused, playfully glaring at Edward. "He just knows what everyone is gonna get him, and then it ruins the surprise." 

 "Not for me, young lass!" I grinned smugly, earning a playful eye-roll from Jasper as he predicted what was coming. 

 "Ah yes, Courtney has her own method of preventing Edward from finding out her gifts," he drawled, kissing my forehead as I grinned triumphantly. "She only buys Edward his gift right before Christmas morning." 

 "That was why you showed up when we were halfway through last year!" Eddie realized with a laugh, as I flicked my hair. "I have no clue what to get you, and it is nine O'clock on Christmas Eve night." 

 Sadie raised an eyebrow. "Weird flex, but okay." 

 "Don't worry, guys," I leaned my head on Jasper's shoulder, grinning deviously. "My gifts are always the best." 

   "When we were thirteen you gave me a picture of you, in a frame, with a signature." 

 I smiled meekly as everyone else laughed, "it was an autograph." 

 Sadie snapped her fingers and pointed at me in slight exasperation. "You did that to me too!"

 Emmett paused, pursing his lips and squinting for a solid minute, before slowly raising his finger to point to me. "You did that to me last year!" 

 I leaned my face into Jasper's chest so that he couldn't see how hard I was laughing. If I were still human, my entire face would be bright red. Jasper wrapped his arm around me and smirked. "You aren't a true friend to Court unless you've gotten a signed autograph for a Christmas gift." 

 Alice raised her hand, "I got one!" 

 "So did I!" 

 "I did." 

 "Unfortunately, I acquired one as well." 

 "What do you mean unfortunately?" I snapped at Edward who sheepishly rose his eyebrows. "Those photos are beautiful!" 

 "A gift to human kind." 

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