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Nam Joo and Han Sook are both shocked.

I looked at the guy who interrupted us, and found out that he's holding a brand new phone on his left hand while filming us. The guy is tall, but I'm certain that I'm more taller than him. He have a shinny brown hair and he kinda look familiar.

I stared at him for a good 5 more seconds before I finally recognized him. He's one of my classmate.

"I really don't want to interrupt the three of you, but you have disturbed my sleep. You are all noisy." He explained and yawn like we're not looking at him.

Han Sook and Nam Joo's faces crumpled.

"Will you please leave? Don't disturb us, and please stop filming!" Han Sook shouted. The guy just smirked.

"You want me to leave? Sure, but you guys expect that you will be expelled after I report you to the guidance office." He warned that got the bullies bewildered.

They are known bullies but they are so afraid to be expelled.

Han Sook throw my bag on the floor and threw me a deadly glare before looking at the guy who just save my precious bag.

"Be thankful we don't want to be expelled." He said and strode out the rooftop, leaving the guy and me alone.

We are covered in silence in a minute. I'm waiting for him to speak up, but he didn't. I can't utter a word too.

The guy pick my bag because it's just a few inches away from him. I was startled when he throw it to me but thanks to my quick reflexes, I immediately move my hands to catch it.

"If you're worring about the video, don't worry. It's just for a threat, I didn't really film one." He said.

I pressed my lips together.

"I-I'm not worrying about the video though.." I said. I raised my head to look at him and he did the same.

My cheeks starts turing red. I know he's laughing at me inside his mind right now. He's probably thinking that I'm a gay and coward. Well, I can't blame him though. But he doesn't look like he'll waste his time thinking about such thing. He looks nice anyway.

"I know. I'm just saying." He said and turn his back to walk away.

I hurriedly wear the strap of my bag on my shoulder and jogged towards him.

"W-Wait!" I shouted.

We both strode down the stairs on the rooftop, still covered with silence.

I bit my lower lip one more time as I can't take the silence anymore. I should say something. He helped me. I need to say thank you, right?

"My name is Park Jisung, you're Zhong Chenle, right?" I asked.

Stupid. I said, say thank you, why did you introduce yourself?

He look at me with his furrowed forehead before slowly nodding his head.

"Yeah. But how did you know my name? Let me guess, is it because of the negative comments about me?" He asked.

I nodded my head. He's right. I heard several negative comments about him.

Zhong Chenle--the war freak guy. As far as I can remember, I heard that he got kicked out from several schools already. Most of the students here called him spoiled brat, attention seeker, rebellious, and all the negative words you can say. But seeing him right now, he's too far from their descriptions. He really seems nice.

"I heard lots of negative comments about you, but I'm not into believing it. I know you have a good heart." I said.

He rolled his eyes and look away, but I saw a glimpse of his smile. I also smiled.

Let me introduce him to you again, his name is Zhong Chenle.. And that's how our friendship started.


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