Love To Hate Me 1

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Miyeon's pov

When i walked inside the school. Many student's were coming towards me giving their full attention to me and i liked it. Us three me , Yuqi and Shuhua are the most popular students here in school especially me ofcourse. I was the most popular one among us.

We three were the only popular ones , well until three new student's transferred. I hated the fact that we shared the popularity and attention.

Everytime i would go to school every single student would go running towards me but now it feels like the school has been cut in half. The left side would be ours and the right side would be their's. I hated them especially Minnie the most popular one in their group.

I still remember the time when me and Minnie were competing on who was going to become the president. I got 61 votes and she got 62 votes she was one ahead which made me pissed as hell. She became the president that time and that's when i started to hate her even more.


We were in the cafeteria eating and i saw Minnie and her group siting on the other side.

"Would you please stop staring at them like you're going to kill them or something" Yuqi said

"I'm sorry , i just hate them so much! They ruined my life when they transferred here!" I said angrily

"Look if you're still pressed about her becoming the president it's already done so just forget about it" Yuqi said

"It's not only just that! They stole our popularity and attention , MY popularity and attention!" I said

"Girl you need to stop thinking about popularity but I'm not gonna lie their hot especially Soojin" Shuhua said while fanning herself with her hand

"Are you seriously interested in one of our enemies right now?" I said in disbelief

"Well sorry but if you don't think their hot then something's wrong with you're eyes" Shuhua said

"Whatever just don't throw yourself at her okay? We don't want them to think that they got all of the girls here in school" I said

"Too bad , i was actually thinking of throwing myself at her" Shuhua said and winked. I just look at her in disgust

"What the---whatever Shuhua but don't you dare do it I'm warning you!" I said while pointing my index finger at her

"Okay! Don't worry pabo and get you're index finger out of my face please thank you!" Shuhua said. I rolled my eyes and move my finger's away

"Atleast Yuqi's not thinking of throwing herself at them right Yuqi?" I said but Yuqi didn't respond.

She was looking at something(or someone😉). I looked at the direction that she was looking at and it was Soyeon!

"Shit! Soyeon caught me looking at her!" Yuqi panicked

"Oh my god...don't tell me..." I sighed and facepalm

"Both of you? Seriously?" I asked

"I'm sorry Miyeon , i couldn't help it! God! She's so cool!" Yuqi said

"I hate you both so much" I said and sighed

Minnie's pov

I looked at Miyeon's table and saw Yuqi looking at Soyeon. I nudged Soyeon with my elbow.

"What?" Soyeon asked

"Look Yuqi's looking at you" I said and Soyeon looked at Yuqi and Yuqi quickly looked away

"So what?" Soyeon asked

"Are you serious right now? She obviously likes you!" I said

"Just let her be , i don't even like her" Soyeon said

"Sure you don't" I said and rolled my eyes

"You and Yuqi look good together" I said and Soojin agreed

"I agree you should date her" Soojin said

"Why would i date her? I already told you that i don't like her and if i do date her I'm pretty sure she will just leave me like what Chungha did when she knew about my condition" Soyeon said and sighed

I look at her worriedly. I know she was really affected when Chungha broke up with her when she knew about her having a private part of a guy. That's actually the reason why we became friends because we understand each other and how we hated it thinking that we were freaks for having this , for being different.

I patted her back

"It's okay Soyeon i understand you but you never know maybe someone out there will accept us or accept you" I said

"I hope so Minnie" Soyeon said and sighed


Finally😅. My mind was kinda blank so i didn't know what to write. Is the first chapter okay? Let me know what you think. Love you guys💕

--768 words--

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