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Ten POV:

I woke up in a very unfamiliar place. I looked at my surroundings and then slowly got up. My head was throbbing with pain and I had no idea what had happened the night before... I got up and saw I was on a bed in a nice, black, marble bedroom. I flinched at the sudden surprise of someone bursting through the door.

Ten: yes?

I asked with an annoyed attitude. I was looking down so I didn't see the persons face yet.

??: about time you got up.

My eyes widened and then I looked up and smiled a bit.

??: morning Ten.

Ten: good morning my beautiful friend Yang Yang.

Yang Yang: here...

He put down a tray on the bed with eggs, pancakes, and bacon.

Yang Yang: oh, and these too.

He took out a couple pain killers and then put them on the table, ran out of the room, and then came back with a glass of water. I honestly didn't deserve a best friend like Yang Yang.

Ten: so... what happened?

Yang Yang: aish... sit here.

He patted on a spot on the bed (where the breakfast tray was)  and I slowly crawled there.

Yang Yang: eat up as well.

Ten: yes yes-

Yang Yang: last night you went to another party at Lucas's house and you obviously got really drunk. But way more drunk then usual. You straight up drank half of the drinks there. You were in a bad mood when you arrived, you didn't bother saying hello or waving at me. You pushed me out of the way, for a drink

Ten: I did?

Yang Yang: yea- you did-

Ten: aw I'm sorry Yang Yang-

Yang Yang: nah, its all good. I bet you had a rough day, so...

Ten: that gives me no right to throw attitude to you!

Yang Yang: no- shhhhh, just listen.

I nodded slowly and then continued eating while listening carefully trying to remember yesterday.

Yang Yang: The party started to smell and more and more people started coming. I had lost you in a crowd earlier so I was looking for you. Then I saw you... on the stairs, passed out. I looked for your car then realized you had came with friends. So I drove you to my house, changed you, and then settled you down in this guest room.

Ten: aw-

I was about to thank him until I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. I picked it up and put it on speaker.

Ten: hello?

??: is this Lee Ten?

Ten: who needs to know?

??: do you not remember last night?

Ten: did I fuck you or something- I'm pretty sure I didn't- but if I did I don't date-

??: one, ew no you didn't. Two, do you not remember last night?

Ten: nah man I got really drunk and everything is pretty much a whole damn blur, soooo-

??: oh... well I can't wait to hear this.

Ten: s'cuse me?

??: haha... well first of all my name is Jung Hoseok and I met you last night at Lucus's party. We sat down and started talking and you had told me you were in a gang called wayv, correct?

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