chapter thirteen

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Blaise got out of the hospital a day earlier then he expected and since him and Hermione agreed to do it on Saturday not Friday so he had time to get ready. He first went to his dorm to see Draco, which just found out about Pansy. "Hey Draco, wanna go to Hogsmeade with me?" He looked up his eyes red and puffy, he smiled and nodded.
"Why do you need to go to Hogsmeade?" Blaise fidgeted with his hands and blushed.
"Well umm... I need an outfit for Saturday." He looked at me confused "I'm gonna try to make a move on Ron..." Blaise looked down and felt arms wrap around him.

Draco pov

"I'm gonna make a move on Ron" I knew he has liked Ron for a while and I was happy for him, I felt his face drop since I didn't say anything so I hugged him. "well are we going? I need all the details" I smirked at him making his face go red, he slapped my arm and we left to Hogsmeade.

We got to the small town and ran to the clothes shop, I hate to admit it but I love going shopping, all the dressing options... even though I only really wear black.
Blaise said he wants to wear Green and Gold, a mixture of Slytherin and Gryffindor, which is pretty adorable. It took a while for us to find the perfect outfit but Blaise found a nice pair of ripped jeans and I found a dark green shirt with small gold details, it was just Blaise's style and fit perfectly. We bought chocolates and new bottles of cologne since we were running out. He also wanted some to spray and his quidditch jersey for the little ginger.

Ron pov
It's been 1 week since I've seen Blaise, I cried myself to sleep every night and Hermione just said that he wasn't worth it. I almost killed her but Fred, George, Percy, Harry and Ginny held me back. I missed him, his touch, smell, the feeling of him being there, I need him and I can't live without him.
"Ron he isn't worth your time, he didn't even know you loved him!" Everyone looked over and I started to cry, now everyone knew I liked him. "Ron I didn't mean it" I heard Hermione say before everyone started whispering. "Omg ew" "Ron is gay?!" Seamus and Dean were telling them to be quiet because they were fine with them dating and being gay. I didn't hear the rest because I ran to my dorm hearing Harry following me.
"Ron... can I come in" I looked over and Harry was crying "you can come in" I say even though before he even walked in I ran over and hugged him. "I love you Ron... you are my best friend and I don't care if you like Blaise. If he makes you happy he happy. I won't let those morons treat you like this!" Harry was now yelling and squeezed me, he soon stopped once he heard a whisper coming from my mouth.
"Sorry I rage easy..." I laughed and said goodnight, I couldn't think about Blaise any longer.

~~~good part coming up~~~

3rd person

Blaise was panicking thinking he couldn't make the move. 'I can't do this... Ron will get scared and run away... I'm just gonna humiliate myself' Blaise thoughts were interrupted by Pansy knocking on the door. "Mudblood is here to see you" He looked up from his feet to see Hermione looking at him and he runs over. He squeezes her so tight and starts to cry. "I can't do it 'Mione. He is gonna reject me..." Hermione let out a laugh "he loves you Blaise, he never stops talking about you. Now you are gonna go up to the astronomy and get your man!" She hugged him again and fixed his clothes.

~~with Ron~~

Ron hasn't got out of bed all day because he had nothing to distract him from Blaise, it's currently 6:30 and he needs to go and eat since he hasn't all day. "Ron let's go! Blaise won't be in the great hall, he is most likely still in the hospital!" Ron looks up with eyes filled with tears. "HE IS IN THE GREAT HALL SINCE HE GOT OUT TODAY! HE SENT ME AN OWL ABOUT IT A FEW DAYS AGO!" Before Ron could stop yelling Hermione burst into the room telling them to leave.
Ron walked to the great hall with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he some how convinced everyone it was allergies expect Ginny who knew what was going on. "Blaise is being a d!ck isn't he? I'm gonna go beat that Slytherin's ass into next week." Ginny started to leave until Hermione stopped her. Ginny sat back down still staring at the dark silhouette behind Ron. He didn't notice the dark figure staring at him while he ate, well no one did really.

Ron finished his food pretty fast since he ate barely anything, this caused attention to Blaise who through with a note shaped as a bird. Ron got hit in the shoulder with it and read it, 'eat Ron... I don't need you starving yourself' Ron smiled and grabbed a little more food. He actually finished eating and headed to the dorm with Hermione and Harry, which Ron made eye contact with Blaise on the way there. Blaise smiled and looked away and Ron just blushed. "I don't think he is ignoring you... I think he is planning something" they heard a voice say from behind them, it was there friend Luna who didn't know about the astronomy tower plan... "really?! So he- he still likes me?" Ron was so happy and made everyone smile and laugh. "Of course" Hermione said wrapping her arms around him.

It was 8 o'clock which meant 30 minutes till curfew, Blaise took off his robes and changed into the outfit making sure he looked perfect. He added a few sprits of cologne, which was Ron's favourite and soon left for the tower. He told Hermione to get Ron to go to the tower at 8 too but he wants sure if she did. Which made him stress really bad, he ran to the astronomy tower hoping not to get caught. He almost killed Mrs Norris on the way there but he made it. He was there and ready to make a move.

Ron was told to go to the astronomy tower so he got Harry's invisibility cloak and left for it, avoiding Mrs Norris he got up to the tower. He saw a tall silhouette and ran up to him.
"Blaise!" Ron said hugging the boy tightly, Blaise looked down and smiled, "I f-cking missed you pumpkin" Blaise spoke squeezing the redhead. Blaise took Ron's hand bringing him to the edge of the tower sitting down watching the stars. Ron rested his head on top of the boy's shoulder, and soon Blaise was pulling Ron in.

Blaise grabbed Ron's face and pulled him in, Blaise kissed Ron's lips making him melt into the touch. Blaise pulled Ron off the window and pinned him to the wall, Blaise wrapped his arms around Ron's waist and Ron wrapped his arms around the boy's neck. Ron pulled away "why are you doing this..." "because I love you? I've waited to do this for weeks." Ron pulled Blaise back in never wanting to leave, the kiss made him feel safe, like fireworks going off and he never wanted to leave.
Blaise bite Ron's lip asking for entrance but Ron pulled away. "I hear someone coming... hide under this" Ron hands Blaise the invisibility cloak and they both hide under it. They heard the person walking closer... it was Umbridge. Ron got scared a grabbed ahold of Blaise who got flustered. "Good no students out of their dorms" she walked away and left Blaise and Ron in the dark starry night.

Blaise kissed Ron underneath the cloak not wanting to get caught, he pulled Ron closer and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. "Blaise not now... it's 9 we should head back." Blaise looked a little sad "but I want to stay like this forever." Ron looked down at his feet... he realized it would be too risky for Blaise to go back to his dorm. "Your coming to my dorm" Ron stated and Blaise blushed more, "moving fast aren't we Weasley" He said with a wink. Ron rolled his eyes and pulled Blaise to the gryffindor common room.

Once they entered Ron pulled off the cloak. "How was- BLAISE!" Hermione said running over to her new friend. Harry came ove rand shook the boy's hand. "Oh Ron I have something for you..." Blaise said looking down. He pulled out a small bag from his pocket which began to grow bigger, it was a gold and green bag which looked very beautiful. Ron pulled open the gift to reveal a green quidditch jersey with the last name Zabini on it. "Omg Blaise I love it!" Ron squeezed the boy as Harry and Hermione awed at this gesture.

"I need to check your connection before you
leave!" Hermione whisper shouted, "no worries he is staying the night." Ron said not thinking about what he said. "Wow the next level already?!" Harry protested "a little early... no don't touch my child!" Harry spat at Blaise. Hermione moved forward and raised her wand, she whispered a spell and a glowing light went around Blaise and Ron, the light was a beautiful red colour and Hermione gasped. "YOU'RE HIS MATE!"

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