Chapter 15

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I wake up to my alarm and sigh. It's Monday, which means school. I hate school. I turn off my alarm and sit up, running a hand through my hair. I check my phone and see a text from Clarke, asking if she can get a ride if we're picking up Raven.

I respond saying we are picking up Raven and that she can get a ride too. I decide that means I should probably get ready. I find some clothes and walk to the bathroom.

I get in the shower and let the hot liquid run over my body before washing myself. I get out of the shower when I'm done and get dressed. I throw on my ripped black jeans, a band t-shirt and a flannel. I mess with my hair for a minute before going back to my room.

 I mess with my hair for a minute before going back to my room

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

I pick up my phone and put it in my pocket. I pull on a necklace Luna bought me once and a few random bracelets. I walk to the kitchen and smile at Luna, who's just sitting at the table.

"Hey dumbass," I say, messing with her hair. Luna glares at me, making me chuckle. I pick up a muffin and take a bite of it. "You seem cheery this morning," I say, sitting on the counter. Luna just rolls her eyes. "Amazing. Oh, when we pick up Raven we're getting Clarke too."

Luna nods. "Alright." I notice her voice is raspy as she speaks, making me raise an eyebrow. I hop off the counter and walk over to her.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask, inspecting her face. I know Luna's voice only gets raspy how it is after she's been crying, when she's sick, or after she gets in a fight.

Luna nods. "Yeah... I just got a call from Anya yesterday... There was some yelling involved. You weren't home." I sigh and nod.

"Alright... Well, drink some water before we go, alright?" I say, earning a nod in response. "Cool." I toss her a bottle of water. "Ready to go?"

Luna takes a sip of her water and nods. "Yeah." We grab our backpacks and pull on our shoes before walking outside to her car.  She gets in the driver's seat and I get in the passenger's seat.

I play with the radio, earning a smack on the hand from Luna. "Rude. Your music taste is trash Let me pick." Luna glares at me and I raise my arms in surrender, not wanting to get in a car crash.

Luna fixes the radio station to what she wants to listen to and I don't dare touch it for the rest of the drive.

We pull up to Ravens house after the 10 minute drive and I jump out of the car. I slide in the back seat as we wait for the girls.

Raven and Clarke walk out of Ravens house and get in. "Hello Woods'" Raven says before kissing Lunas cheek.

I look at Clarke and smile widely. "Hey." I peck her lips and she smiles back at me.

"Alright everyone ready?" Luna asks before starting to drive. I slip my hand into Clarke's, glancing over at her to make sure it's okay.

I see her smile a little and nod slightly to let me know it's okay. Raven looks back at us. "So Halloween is in two weeks. Every year the Blake's throw the best Halloween party ever. Clarke is obviously coming. Woods'?"

I rub the back of my neck. "Uh I don't exactly do parties..." I hear Luna scoff.

"That's an understatement. Lex has never gone to a party in her life. Besides birthday parties when we were kids."

I look over and see Clarke staring at me with wide eyes. "You've never been to a party!? Oh that's official you're coming. With me." She says, making me raise my eyebrow.

"Oh am I?" I say with a smirk. Clarke bites her lip and nods.

"Yup. I mean usually I'd go with Raven but she had to go and get a girlfriend who I know she'll make go," Raven nods as Clarke says that. "So you're my date."

I try to ignore the blush I can feel consume my face. "Uh yeah that sounds great." I hear Raven mutter something that makes Luna laugh.

We pull up to the school and hop out of the car. I wrap an arm around Clarke's shoulder, and I see Luna do the same with Raven.

"It's creepy how alike you twins are." Octavia says, coming out of nowhere. Raven slaps her arm.

"Announce yourself before scaring people, you asshole. And you should see these two with their cousin. That's freaky." I notice Luna tense up at the mention of Anya.

We walk over to the rest of the group. I mentally say their names, because I've only known them for like a week, and will forget them.

"Oh look who decided to show up." A boy I recognize as Murphy says to Raven. Raven rolls her eyes.

"Be quiet John. You know you'd miss her if she wasn't here." The girl beside him, who's name I'm pretty sure is Emori, says.

The two of them argue and I look at Clarke confused. "aren't they dating?" I ask. Clarke chuckles and nods.

A boy I'm pretty sure is named Monty speaks up. "The bell is gonna go in a couple minutes. We should head inside."

Everyone agrees and we walk inside. We get what we need from our lockers before walking to class.

The day goes by pretty quickly. After school I look around for Clarke. I see her talking to someone so walk close enough for her to see me but not too close to interrupt.

When she notices me she quickly ends her conversation and walks over to me. "Hey." She kisses me softly.

I smile softly and kiss back. "Hey... are we giving you a ride home?" I ask, brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

Clarke nods. "If that's okay. Actually, I was hoping you could maybe come over..?" She wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me.

I pretend to think about it for a second. "Obviously. Let's go dummy." I kiss her temple and we walk over to Luna and Raven.

For the first time everything feels right...

Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy. This is probably my last chapter of the year which is... wow. I might try to get a chapter out tomorrow but who knows.

Hospital Visit - Discontinued -Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt