Its begining to look alot like fred weasley

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*y/Nn means your nickname*

I was walking and talking with Hermione while going into our dorm when *splash* I'm soaking wet. Hermionie walks up to me and saying "are you ok
y/n? What happened". I looked up and saw nothing. I didn't think much of this as people got pranked all the time, so to me, it didn't matter. I changed and grabbed the book I had to return, the whole reason I came to my dorm. Hermione and I walked to the library, where I promised to meet Cedric as he was the one that gave me the book. On our way there suddenly I tripped, scraping my arm "ouch" I said while getting up with the help of Hermione. "I am super unlucky today huh" I say while laughing. I could hear her say mhmm under her breath.

We walk to the library and met with Cedric, when we got there Cedric looked at my arms and knees "y/n are you ok?" He asked while taking my arm, I winced. "yeah I just tripped, I'm very clumsy" I chuckled as to try and relieve his worries, he seemed to calm down a bit. I hand him the book "oh um right" he said. He pulled me in for a hug. over the months we became sort of best friends since we loved each other but in the "I'm your best friend " kinda way, not In the "love of my life" kinda way. We made a deal, we would pretend to date so we could make those we liked jealous. It seemed to be working, Fred didn't like Cedric and cho seemed to try and be nice towards me, making me know that she is the one for Cedric.

While slowly pulling away, he whispered something in my ear, making sure Hermione saw him "have a nice day y/Nn" he walked away, turned around, and winked. I smiled, Hermione seems to buy it. "what in the bloody hell was that," she said with a smirk. "oh he just said to have a nice day," I say with a smile. "'Yeah and he called you y/Nn, you guys have pet names? Are you together, together, or just dating?" She asked. "first, yes. Second, we are dating" I lied, I didn't like lying to Hermione but, what could I do? She smirked, "ok then".

Lots of people have caught on to the "Cedric and I were dating" thing. It was the talk of the school for a bit. On my way to my dorm, I tripped. Again, I must be super tired or something. I get up and continue my walk to my dorm. I can't wait to write to Abi, my best friend back home. I touch my chest, it was gone. Abi and I traded rings and put it on necklaces as a promise to return to each other. Maybe I left it at my dorm? I enter my dorm and look for my ring. " hehe" I swear I can hear someone giggle. I continue to look but can't find it.

I wait for night fall before I look around the castle for it. It was a nice peaceful walk even though I was frustrated from not finding the necklace. I return to the common room, as I walk in I slipped and fell on my back. When I opened my eyes a bucket of vinegar fell on me, much like what happens when you get the wrong password for the hufflepuff house. I quickly close my eyes as I see it coming down. I open my eyes and say "great, just what i needed" while getting up. I hear laughing again, "even better, now I'm going crazy". I see the twins pop out of a vanishing cloak while laughing, I was so confused. "we got her so good" "yeah we did" Fred and George said while high fiving each other, I looked at them. "what are you two on about?" I ask. "all the pranks, that was us" they say while laughing. "what pranks?" I'm still quite confused. "the buckets, the tripping, and your necklace" Fred said while dangling the necklace on his finger. I laugh, trying to cover the fact that I was just about to cry for that. "haha, you guys should invite me next time" i say while going to grab the necklace. " haha, here" Fred says while gently putting the necklace in my hand, slightly gliding his fingers over my palm, I twitched. " um..uh I'm going to bed. N-night" I said with a stutter. "night" the twins said in unison. I went to my dorm, Hermione was there waiting for me. She must have woken up and saw that i was gone. "where were you?" She asked as I sat down on my bed, taking off my shoes. "I lost something and went to go look for it" I say while showing her the necklace. "well go to bed, it's late" she said while flipping over in her bed. I changed and went to bed.

Next morning I woke up so tired, I must have really been up late. I get ready for the day, wait for hermionie, and head out. We get to breakfast and meet with Harry and Ron. "GOOD MORNING VIETNAM" I say while sitting down, yelling at Ron and Harry, who seem to be half asleep. "don't yell" Ron said. "We stayed up because someone was walking up and down the hallways and we could hear everything" Harry said. "yeah I heard people walking too, though it was only y/n" Hermione said while looking at me. "that wasn't me" I said while pointing at myself. "I never crossed the boys dorms, It was probably Fred and George".

While at lunch we all got mail. Hermionie got letters from her parents, Ron got a sweater with his name on it and Harry got a new broom. They all got good things, while me on the other hand

Dear y/n,
Your father and I will be in America for the holidays. Meaning you will not be able to come home. I'm so sorry love. Your gift is inside the box.
Love mom

I open the box and there is a beautiful emerald necklace and ring. Of course. Hermionie looks over and sees the gifts. "woah, your parents must be millionaires" she says in a gasp. "yeah" I say under my breath. It's not that I don't like the gifts, it's that every time my parents did something like this, which almost happens every week, they try and fix it by stuffing me with money, as if that fixes everything. I take out the necklace and ring, I put on the ring and try to put on the necklace. "Here, let me help" Hermione said while taking the necklace and putting it on me.

Authors note:
I'm going to split this into two parts because this is way too long already. I will try and have the next part up by tomorrow

Necklace and ring:

Necklace and ring:

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