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Trigger warning.


April and Kendra are in the warehouse. The guy pushes me to the ground and gravity takes over. I land hard.

"Bella!" Kendra shouts, rushing over to me. She helps me over to a wall that I rest against. 

"Has he hurt you all?"

"No," Kendra answers. April sits quietly in the corner. My eyes meet hers and she looks at her lap.

"April," I breathe, "What did he do to you?" There are no visible marks on her, making me think the worst.

"It doesn't matter," she whispers.

"Yes, it does," I whisper. She picks at her nails.

"He um," she pauses and turns her head up. Tears fall down her cheeks. "He tried to rape me."

"April-" I breathe. Tears start flowing freely from her eyes. Every bone in my body screams as I scoot over to her. She rests her head on my shoulder and cries. Kendra joins in on the other side of April.

"We'll kill him, April, I promise," Kendra assures.

"He'll get a bullet from each of us."

"Is that what happened between you and Michael?" April cries.

"No," I whisper, my voice cracks at the end. "It never got that far. I'm so sorry April."

"It's not your fault," she cries.

"We'll get out of here, I promise."


My back is against the wall in this all too familiar of a scene.

"Is she alive?" I ask openly.

"Yeah," Tara answers. Relief floods me. "He beat her a lot, though."

"Have you all seen or heard anything about Kendra?" Luke asks.

"No, I think he had them separated," Sam answers.

"So, what's the plan to kill this son of a bitch?" Mike questions.

"We need Hunter in here," I answer. "He knows Elijah. He knows what he's capable of."

"He could be dead," Luke reminds. I shake my head.

"He wouldn't just kill Hunter. If this was about that he wouldn't have taken the girls. He wants us to know he has power over us."

Just as we fall silent, feet come down the concrete stairs. Hunter is being followed down by Elijah. He's been beaten harshly. Eli pushes him into a cell with Luke.

"What a great way to release my anger!" He laughs. "Much better than Bella and April."

"What the hell did you do to her?" Hunter hisses. Luke helps him sit up.

"None of your concern," Eli smiles.

"I promise I will put a bullet in your head," I assure.

"I haven't even done anything that bad to Bella," he chuckles, tossing his arms in the air.

"You laid a hand on her. That's enough for me."

"To be fair, she did ask for it."

"You're a dead man, Eli," Hunter assures.

"We'll see. Well, I should get to bed. See you all tomorrow." He walks back up the steps and closes the door behind him.

"I'm going to fucking kill him," Hunter breathes.

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