(6) [part 2] thin lines and butterflies - cesar diaz

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A/N: series, part 2.

Warnings: language, angst, fluff. No Cesar x Monse history, Female reader. Set during the first season. fem!reader.

Summary: Y/N is new to town. Well not really. Her brother sent her away last year in hopes to get her away from the gang life that he is a part of. Now she's back, and ready to get back to how it used to be. She reunites with Spooky's little brother Cesar and quickly becomes friends with his crew. When it comes to Cesar though - that line that defines whether they are friends - is getting thinner and thinner.

Word Count: 3.4k


It had been a couple of weeks or so since you first arrived in Freeridge and things were going as smooth as it could go. You met up with Monse like you promised you would, and every day since then. Not only had you become fairly close with her, but Ruby, Jamal, and even Cesar as well. You helped Ruby redecorate his new room, because God did he need the help, and Jamal and you had a pretty lengthy conversation about Rollerworld and the money that's hidden. You believed it was real - who doesn't love a good mystery? But everyone else didn't wanna believe it, and you felt bad for Jamal because of how little faith everyone else had in him.

Spooky ended up talking Enzo down thankfully, but he was still incredibly pissed with your father. The only thing your brother couldn't promise you was that he wouldn't be paying the man a visit, and you couldn't argue with that. As long as he doesn't literally kill him, you were at the very least content.

Just like you did him, Ruby and the gang helped you redecorate your room, and reorganize and make sure it was, "freshman year worthy." Once the boys left though, Monse stayed and helped you deep clean the rest of the house because Lorenzo was nothing short of a slob. During this time, Monse was telling you possible ways to convince Spooky to let Cesar out of his gang. You told her that it wasn't that simple, but she retaliated with, "But your brother is in the gang, and you're not. He even sent you away 'cause he didn't want you in it."

"Yeah, but, my brother isn't the leader. I mean sure, it's my legacy too, but Cesar's situation is way more complicated." You pause, trying to figure out a way to convince Monse to let the whole situation go. If she keeps digging, it'll just make shit worse for not only Cesar but Spooky as well. "I'm sure Spooky is doing what he thinks is best for Cesar." You sigh. "Being in the gang is his way of protecting him, just like how being out of the gang, and away from it, is Lorenzo's way of protecting me."

"Yeah, well I think Spooky's got it twisted. He just needs someone to convince him that he's wrong."

Convince? Spooky? No way. Not even a question. Once Spooky has made up his mind about something, there is no changing it. Then again though, when Monse's made up her mind about something, there's no changing her mind either. _

Lorenzo and Spooky took you and Cesar took you both school shopping along with stocking up on alcoholic beverages and snacks for the Santos when they would hang out.

You and Cesar wandered around the store looking for folders, binders, notebooks, calculators and basically any little thing you would need for your freshman year. He dragged you along to random isles to check things out. At first, he'd just say, "Hey, let's go over here." But then it turned into him pulling your sleeve or your wrist, and eventually your hand. Your heart was beating like crazy. It may not have been a big deal to him, but holding hands is kind of an intimate thing for you. 'Those damn butterflies.' you thought as he pulled you over to the dessert aisle where he snagged some cookies from the shelf. While he reached out to get something else, you tried to sneakily pull your hand away so that your heart could calm down, and your stomach would untwist, but he wasn't having it. He just squeezed your hand harder, grinned mischievously, and looked back down at the potato-chip bag just to put it right back, and pull you to another isle.

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