"The meat master, Mito Ikumi!" Ikumi then showed up, with a rather uncommon style of clothing. But who cares?

"All right! Here comes the other contestants!" You swore you saw black stuff oozing from Urara, but you just shook your head and now she has sparkles as her background. The huge TV screen then went black and after a few second, it started showing Yukihira's full name with a blue flame on the background.

"Die dipshit!"

"Eat it!"

"Die, transfer student!"

"I still remember the shit you pulled at the opening ceremony!"

"BOOOO!" You got pissed off by their shouting and ended grabbing the mic that was beside you.

"Ehem, mic test. OoH." After testing if the mic is on, the audience heard your voice, you gave them the sweetest smile ever.

"Wah! Y/N-sama is gonna watch their Shokugeki?!"

"Not only her, even Erina-sama is with her!"

"Hey look! It's Erina-sama!"

"Erina-sama.. Y/N-sama.."

"I bet they're gonna cheer for Mito-san!"

"Both of them are so beautiful!"

"Ehem, please stop the shouting because my ears are about to bleed." You told them, filled with authority lacing your tone. The boys sighed in bliss at the sight that they saw.

"Of course, Y/N-sama!"

"Anything for you!" The shouts died down and you put back the mic on its rightful place as you glance at Erina who was looking back at you. You gave her a peace sign and glance back again to the front.

"That was very unprofessional, Y/n." She scolded, focusing back on the Shokugeki amidst of all the annoying students murmuring death threats to Yukihira.

"The transfer student no one can stop talking about, Yukihira Soma-kun!" Yukihira then showed up on the stage, with 2 people as his companion.

"Allow me to run through the process. There will be three judges."

"The theme is Don! And the main ingredient is meat!" Urara informed.

"I'm surprised that you didn't became one of the judge this Shokugeki." Erina mumbled softly. You then glance and gave her an awkward smile.

"Heh?! Am I always one of the judges in Shokugekis?!" You asked the system.


Yes, as stated to the information that I gave you, Y/n Kinoshita is the youngest teen chef who became one of the First class Bookman. So apparently, you're one of the common judges in the official Shokugekis.

"Oh okay. I forgot about that hehe." You chuckled in the inside.

"Mmm, let's just say I'm too lazy to judge people's dishes right now." You came up with an excuse to the God Tongue's question, who just nodded and averted her attention to the front.

"If Mito-san wins, the Donmo Research Society will be shut down, and Yukihira-kun will be expelled." Urara said.

"If Yukihira-kun wins, Don RS's budget will be increased, and their cooking facilities will be upgraded. In addition, Mito-san will join Don RS!"

You saw Yukihira wearing his long white looking bandages the male then look at the top and saw your side figure leaning against the glass wall. He gave you a smile and waved at your direction. Upon noticing his actions, you also waved your hand at him.

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