They make you feel better🥺💕

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Kite: "Hey I heard you haven't been feeling well and I know times currently are rough.. But me and the others are here to help you calm down okay?" *Holds you hand gently whilst smiling*
Author-chan: "Also I am very sorry some of these are poorly written it's because me personally only struggle with depression and anxiety so it's hard to understand what everyone is going through..."
For Panic attacks/ Anxiety attacks

"Hey, hey! what's wrong? Panic attack? Ah... I see.." The blonde boy pulled you from under the covers cradling you. "Shhhh It's okay, i'm here your not alone I promise... Take deep breaths okay? Here like me.. Inhale through the nose 1....2....3 exhale 1....2...3 now keep doing that while I hold you okay?" He wiped away your tears gently. "I know your nose must be stuffy from crying, if you need to breathe through your mouth thats perfectly fine as long as you take deep breaths okay? Don't worry, your not gonna die your not gonna have a heart attack or pass away from a illness.. Your here with me okay? I won't let anything bad happen to you.. I know you feel like you wanna get up and run or you just wanna go to sleep and forget don't worry it's perfectly normal.. I'm here for you okay? Your not gonna die I promise... Shhh.. Don't worry sweety your gonna be perfectly fine I promise.. Just keep taking deep breaths okay? Good girl..."

Your blonde boyfriend grabbed his phone from his pocket with his free hand and put on some music.

"I know your scared... Your gonna be alright okay? I know I can't really hold you but i'm here for you I love you, I love you very much okay? Shhh... I promise this feelings going to pass.. I love you."

For depression

"Y/N? Why are you crying? O-oh... H-Hey... It's gonna be okay.." Kite took you into his arms and carried you to bed laying down beside you as you sobbed into his chest. "I know times are tough right now but I promise i'm here for you okay Y/N? Let it all out... I don't mind you getting my clothes wet.. Just cry it all out... That's good... I know you aren't feeling well my love, and that's okay everyone feels like shit time to time... And that's alright... I don't know exactly what your going through but I can relate to how you feel, where you just wanna scream but you can't.. I understand you and your not alone.. And I know telling you that tomorrow will be different or you'll be okay won't help at all i'll tell you this.. You are your own person.. Fuck everyone else.. We all have are own opinion and see through different eyes. Are minds are not the same nor are our emotions and preferences. And that's okay. To me and others you are gorgeous and wonderful, whether you have crooked teeth, body hair, stretch marks, you are still beautiful. I love you very much okay? We're gonna get through this together.. No don't worry you don't have to have a doctor shove meds down your throat, i'll take care of you okay? I promise.."

Kite kissed your forehead whilst caressing your cheek.

For Anorexia
  ( Ik i'm bad at helping pls forgive me I just tried mimicking Killua as much as possible I know Anorexia is hard to help through text so did the best I could I truly am sorry !)
"Hey, you keep getting skinnier and weaker, is something the matter? E-Eh!? Baka you could die! Then why do you-? O-oh.. W-Well you aren't a pig nor fat! I like you just the way you are! Please don't cry!!! Shhh.." He wrapped his arms around you holding you tightly. "I'm sorry I yelled at you but please you've gotta at least eat some bread, I know me begging won't do much but please Y/N.. Eh!? A addiction to starving yah say... Well I'll force some food down your damn throat if I have too! I don't wan't you dying on me! I love you so much please! You are your own person eat as much food as you desire and who ever makes fun of you again just ignore them. I know I know it's 'hard' but you've gotta do it, punch those baka's in the face, ya your weak physically but not mentally! Y/N! Eat. Right now. I don't wanna be harsh but if you don't eat then i'll ignore you until you do.. Hmm Thats not gonna work is it? Fine.. Y/N you are beautiful okay? You are unique and that's why I- I- I love you.. You can work out with me okay? Every sunday! But please don't starve yourself, I need you. I love you. Okay? And i'm not going anywhere.. I know you feel alone right now but please.. Ignore the voice in your head.. You don't need to be empty.. I love you so so much...." 



(2011 Feitan speech)
"Why..Are..You..Sad? You..Think..You...Are..Too..Hyper? Tch..Nonsense... You...Are..Perfect...Do...Not...Worry..Okay? I...Like...How...Hyper...You...Are... I..Love..You..And...Everything..About..You.." The raven haired man pulled down his mask and kissed your cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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