Chapter VII -Lover-

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This Chapter is slash and extremely age difference, consider yourself warned.

There is a reason why this fic has Dead Dove Do Not Eat warning tag

Ner words in this chapter: 2,289



/Sign Language\


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Lemon scene will be signaled with start and ending

Chapter VII


Late December 1943


They stayed like that for at the least an hour until finally Harry calmed down enough to speak.

"Teddy, godson Metamorphmagus and son of a Werewolf. Jimmy, son and a menace of my name. Ally, son shy yet smart in a way that makes you gape. And finally Lilu, daughter and the princess of our eyes. I was burnt in a Bath on my arm when I tried to wrestle myself inside to save them. I was too late. My late wife apparated into the middle of an army camp and let them kill her on the spot. I wasn't as lucky. The Basilisk's poison and Phoenix's tears plus being a Sentient meant that the Muggles weapons were immune on me. Only the Bath worked. Which had been the reason why children went that way. Children have a stronger touch with magic than the adults."

Tom tilted his head to the side as he looked at Harry. The man had locked his memories because he'd failed his family?

"You heard Auror Thundercall. Earth is granting them back to you."

"Teddy's a godson... but the others were my own children. No Witch in their right mind would've date me."

"What about Rosmerta from the Three Broomsticks?"

Harry fake laughed. It was a dry laugh that confused and disgusted Tom.

"She's a friend. Once she told me herself, to assure me that she wasn't wining those type of feelings, that I'm too twisted. Too hardened with life to be a lover."

Tom stood and forced Harry up who glanced back puzzled.

"What you need is someone to protect you."

Harry scoffed.

"Oh, yes, because in this timeline women are jumping at the thought of being the one in control." He joked back humourlessly.

Tom pulled Harry's face up and forced his own lips over the others. Harry gasped in surprise yet Tom didn't overstep his boundaries. For now a simple chaste kiss was enough for him.

"I didn't mean a Witch this time." He added and started to pull Harry down the room, through the kitchen and into the bedroom. "Come on, you need to..."

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