Mini party

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It's now a bit later and we're still on the bus. My dad said we're going to be on here for 2 days just travelling to Singapore.
Corbyn: so I talked to David and he said we could have a mini party tonight
Jack: yesssssss

We got drinks and now we're all sat around in a circle playing spin the bottle, it's currently y/n's turn and she pins it and I lands on me. She comes over to me and we make out.
Jack: okay enough *we pull away*
Y/n: your a good kisser
Corbyn: so are you
Jonah: guys!
Zach: what did you do Jonah?
Jonah: I broke the table *we all laugh*
Tate: babe you idiot

We all continued drinking but now it's only me, Corbyn,Zach and Kay because the others went to bed.
Kay: here's to new friends and being on tour
Y/n: I love you guys
Corbyn: I love you too
Zach: let's carry on this party
After Zach and Kay went to bed me and Corbyn chilled on the sofa at the front of the bus, we just cuddled and had a little make out and then went to sleep.

Manager's daughter CB  // CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin