someone new!

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~y/n pov~

i was packing up to leave for college. i can't believe i will be moving away from new york. but i got to do what is best for me and my future. i decided to take a little break on packing and to go get some coffee at my favorite cafe before i leave for college. i put my y/h/c into a low bun and decided to put on a sweater since it was a little chilly out. i grabbed my keys and started the car and started to pull out of the driveway.

~time skips~

i finally get to the cafe which only took me like 10 minutes since there is construction. i head into the cafe and order my usual. "can i get a iced coffee with some caramel in it please!" i say to the woman who is taking my order. "that will be $3.50." i hand her the money and decided to make my way out. i turned around and bumped into this tall man with really nice brown hair. "SHIT." i blurred out. "oh my god, i am so sorry do you want me to buy you something? I can make up for spilling coffee on your clothes." i say. he saw me panicking and decied to say something, "it's totally fine you don't need to buy me anything, you don't have to worry." i can't believe he didn't get mad. he had such a nice voice and i then asked him, "wanna just sit down for a bit and get something to eat or drink from here? my treat!" "ok sure! but one thing is that you don't buy me anything ok?" he said in his soft voice. "ok fine, but i still feel bad." i say. "don't be." he replies.

we headed to a table that was empty in the corner of the cafe. me and this cute guy sat down at the table. "so, what's your name?" i ask. "my name is nick! what is your name?" he says. "my name is y/n." i reply. "wow that is such a beautiful name!" nick says. "thank you! so do you live around here in new york?" "no i'm just visiting my grandparents with my family before i leave to college." "oh that's cool i live like 10 minutes away from here so it's not that bad." i giggle. "so where are you playing to go to college?" i ask nick. he replies saying, "i'm just going to the houston community college." i almost choked on my iced coffee. "oh my god i am going there too!" i reply being happy that i actually found someone who is going there. "no way! when does your flight leave to texas?" nick asks. "i am leaving today i have to be at the airport at 7:30 because my flight takes off at 8:15." "oh my god, me too!" nick said. after what felt like only and hour of talking, we were talking for 2 hours! nick is a pretty chill guy, he is very sweet and cares about people. i am sad that i have to go and finish packing but at least i will see him later. "bye nick!" i say. "byee y/n!" nick responds. he gives me a hug when i get up from my chair. a weird feeling stricken my body and i didn't know what it was. i saw nick red when we finished hugging. i didn't say anything because i didn't want him to get even more embarrassed . i just giggled.

i head to my car and see nick getting picked up by someone which i assume is one of his family members. i pull out of the parking spot and started to head home

~time skips~

i arrived at my house and head to my room. i finished packing and was all set to go to college in texas. i had 2 hours left until i had to head to the airport.

~nicks pov~

when i got back to my grandparents house i couldn't stop thinking about y/n. she was so pretty and she had the most prettiest smile i've ever seen. i start to pack my bag that i brought to new york and i still have some time left before the airport so i decide to text y/n.


                                                                                hey  y/n!
hey nick! wyd?
                                                        thinking about you😏

oh shit why did i say that. i am so dumb, it's too early to flirt with her. i decide to turn off my phone because i am too embarrassed of what she will say. i laid in the guest bed and dozed off.

~y/n pov~

is nick really thinking about me? i think to myself if he actually meant it. i wanted to say me too, but i'm too scared to say it early on. i hope he isn't mad at me for not responding. i put my phone down and started to eat dinner.

~time skips~

i look at the clock and i see that it is 6:00 p.m. i put my bags into my car and my mom dad and younger brother gets in the car. i think to myself that i will be starting a new life in texas but i will visit new york the most i can! i say goodbye to my home that i won't see for a while. i pull out of the driveway and head to the airport.

~time skips~

i see my mom crying. "mom don't cry" i say. i gave her a big hug. my brother and dad say, "i am going to miss you." we all go in for a group hug. "byee i'm going to miss you guys so much! i will call you whenever i get the chance! love you!" i say. "be safe sweetie!" i hear my mom say." i grab my bags and head into the airport.

~time skips~

i get on the plane and put my bags away. i look around for nick but i can't see him anywhere. after 5 minutes i finally see him getting on the plane. he's by himself so i wonder where is family is. the plane has 3 seats in a row and sapnap was in my row but i sat by the window and his seat was in the aisle. he ask this lady if they can change spots and she let him sit right next to me. "hii" i say to nick. "hey y/n." nick says.

the plane starts to take off and i start to get scared.


hi everyone! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! please put comments and feedback. sorry that this chapter doesn't really have much going on but it's just the beginning!

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