4| Diamonds

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"Not at all," I answered. "What bothers me is that you call me Nicholas." 

"Isn't that your name?" she inquired. 

"It is, but I didn't grow up here, remember?" I asked mockingly. 

She chuckled, "Then what shall I call you?" 

"Nick. My friends always have." 

She nodded slowly, "Okay. I'll call you Nick." 

"Sounds great." 

"So, Nick. Tell me more about you," she said, turning to me. 

I sighed, "Where do I start?" 

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

She looked at me apologetically, "You have a long way back, I'm sorry," she chuckled. 

"It's all right, I drove here myself, I have to drive back as well. Goodnight, Ella." 

"Goodnight, Nicholas," she said tauntingly before smiling, running up the steps and into their palace. I got into my car and started driving back home. 

After the long drive, I was exhausted and I just wanted to go to bed, but my father had other plans. "We need to talk," he said sternly. I sighed, rolling my eyes and following him into his study. I took a seat in front of him and waited for him to talk. "You met with Princess Ella today. What was that regarding?" 

"Our marriage." 

"Has she finally agreed?" 

"We're both still a little hesitant, but we understand why it's important," I shrugged. 

"Will she marry you, Nicholas?" 

"Yes, she will," I said, resisting a groan. 

"There is something you have to do for me. Once she becomes your wife." 

"What is it that, father?" I questioned. 

"While she's here in our palace, living with us for the first three months of your marriage..." I nodded, waiting for him to go on. But he didn't. "On second thought, I don't think you're prepared for this. Maybe we can discuss this once you two have gotten married," he sighed. 

I was really tired and didn't really care anymore. "Goodnight," I said, standing up. 

"Goodnight," he nodded. 

I had just come out of my bathroom after changing into sweatpants and a t-shirt when my phone started ringing. People don't really call me so I was very confused. I answered, "Hello?" 

"Is this Prince Nicholas of Meralith speaking?" a female voice asked. I stayed silent, trying to recognize the voice. "Hello? Anyone there?" 


She chuckled, "Hi." 

"Hello, um, how did you get my number?" I laughed, sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"I grabbed the phone log from my father's study. I just thought I'd make sure you had mine in case we ever have to talk." 

"All right, I'll save it right away then," I chuckled, putting it on speaker and saving her number. 

"We have to meet the day after tomorrow." 

"Why is that?" 

"Not just you and me, our families. There are ceremony and wedding arrangements to be made," she sighed. 

"And how many ceremonies are you speaking of?" 

"A few. We shall have an engagement party, a pre-wedding ceremony, which I believe is part of my family's tradition, and then there's the wedding. Maybe a few gatherings in between as well. And I have yet to meet your mother, so..." she trailed off. 

"Well, I'm sure she'd love to meet you soon. The day after tomorrow sounds good, I'll let my father know." 

"Oh, one more thing." 


"Please have a rough idea of your dream wedding, please. I don't want to hand my mother the reins but I know nothing about weddings. You see, I've never married someone before." 

"I would hope you haven't," I scoffed. "You see, it's very important for my wife to be my wife. Nobody else's. Before or after." 

"Right. So, I trust you will give my message to your father. About meeting the day after tomorrow?" 

"Yes, I shall send your message across," I chuckled. 

"Okay, then. Goodnight, Nick." 

I smiled to myself. "Goodnight, Ella." She hung up and I put my phone down on the nightstand before getting in bed, rubbing my sleepy eyes. I flicked my lamp off and closed my eyes, going to bed. 

About thirty minutes later, I found myself wide awake. "Dude, what the hell is this shit?" I asked myself, running a hand through my hair in frustration. I was so tired earlier, I don't know what happened and why I'm still wide awake. 

I got out of bed and pulled my slippers on, walking out of my room, heading for the library. I walked into the huge room that was only illuminated by the moonlight seeping through the huge glass windows that give a view of the backyard. I flicked multiple switches on to light up the room and then looked around, trying to decide which aisle to grab a book from. 

Trust me, you don't want to know how hard it is for butlers to understand the Dewey Decimal System and reorganize these. I normally leave a slip wherever I took the book from so they know where to put it back. I grabbed the ladder, leaning it against the poetry aisle. I climbed up, starting at the top shelf and working my way down. 

I found Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda and I also found The complete poems of Emily Dickinson. Both first edition classic copies. I don't really understand love so I'd prefer not to read a whole book about it. I was about to grab Emily Dickinson when I stopped. 

I'm about to get married. To a girl who believes love defeats all. She's a hopeless romantic. 

I reached out and got Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair and took it out, leaving a little piece of paper there. Maybe love poems can help understand love. 

I never thought you could make yourself love someone, and I may not even have to. It could just happen. But just in case...






Chapter 4

what are your thoughts on the book so far?

also someone please give me royalty reads on Wattpad or real books, idc just please someone help me lmao

next chapter: trial

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