16| Wife

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Chapter 16: Wife (Nicholas' POV)

An hour or two had passed by and we're still lying awake, doing nothing but talking shit about royalty. 

"I never understand anything that happens around me at meetings and shit," I groaned. "I don't even think there is a point to most of them. It's just a formality." 

"I completely agree with you," she nodded. 

"Even though you have never sat through one?" I looked at her weirdly. 

"Yes," she laughed. I laughed with her, both of us just lying there and talking about the most random things, laughing at every single one of them. I sighed, lying on my side to look at her. She looked at me before mirroring my position, staring back at me. "What?" she whispered, blinking at me. Her eyes are really beautiful. 

"Nothing, only that... my wife is very beautiful," I mumbled, scooting closer and tucking her hair behind her ear. 

"She is your wife," she chuckled. 

"Yes, but she's also Ella Williams," I shrugged. 

"That sounds very weird. Ella Williams.


She nodded slowly, "Well, it is certainly different." 

"Good different or bad different?" She fell into thought. "Hello?" I stared at her in shock, slightly offended. 

"I'm jesting," she laughed. "Only getting on your nerves and chaffing," she smiled, moving closer to me. "Good different," she whispered, brushing the hair out of my eyes. 

"Well, that is nice indeed," I smiled, draping my arm around her waist. 

"I'm tired, let's go to sleep," she whispered. I closed my eyes tightly, hugging her. "I don't believe this is called sleeping," she laughed. 

"Shh, I am resting my eyes in our chambers," I hissed. 

"Stop talking like royals from the nineteen-twenties, and please go to sleep like a normal person," she laughed, squeezing my cheeks together. I laughed while she clamped her hand over my mouth. "Stop!" she said through gritted teeth. 

"Okay, okay," I said, my voice coming out muffled under her hand. She dropped it and then sighed, turning her lamp off and then lying that way so her back was facing me. "Excuse me?" 

"Yes?" she asked in the dark. 

There was just a little moonlight creeping in through the window, enough to allow me to see her silhouette. 

"Excuse me," I said again, poking her shoulder. 

"Nicholas Williams," she huffed, turning around to face me. "What? What is it?" 

"Nothing, that was all," I shrugged. 

She laughed, "Goodnight." 

"Goodnight," I chuckled. 

When I woke up the next morning, Ella was still sleeping beside me and I wasn't going to bother her and wake her up. She shuffled around a little, shifting closer to me while one of her legs went over both of mine. My breath hitched in my throat and I stiffened momentarily. It felt foreign. But slowly, it won't. Because she's my wife. 

My wife. 

And she has every right to do that. I brushed her hair away from her face lightly, hoping it wouldn't wake her and look at that. It did. She frowned, rubbing her eyes sleepily before opening them. She looked at me with utter confusion then between us. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again like a fish. "Oh, that's right," she mumbled. "We're married." 

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