I slid open the door, my eyes landing on Miki's almost lifeless body. If her chest wasn't moving, she looked pretty much gone. She looked awfully drained, and her ears drooped. I missed the way they used to twitch, listening to every little sound she heard.

^ i changed this sentence from describing 'y/n' as pale, to instead drained (exhausted-looking) because of the comments that mention their darker skin colors. I apologize for not taking it into consideration when describing the characters situation!!

I was way beyond relieved when we found her in the ambush. I know it's selfish, but just having her with me, wasn't enough.. I wanted her awake! Conscious, with her e/c eyes looking up at me. I wanted to hear her voice.. I want to see her smile, and run around, and try to beat up Bakugou with every damn chance she got.

I sat next to her bed, not feeling the tear that managed to escape my eye, getting lost in my scruffy beard. "Hey Miki.." I whispered, grabbing her bandaged hand so carefully. I squeezed my eyes shut, remembering how in pain she looked when I found her.

She could have died, if we had found her a second sooner. "Recovery Girl is gonna come soon again, okay? Remember? You loved her healing kisses?" I rambled. I don't know if she can hear me.. It's not like I cared. I want her to talk back to me.

I rubbed my tired eyes. I haven't slept the whole week we've been here in the hospital. I laid my head down on the bed, staring up at Miki's face, praying she'll at least open her eyes. Twitch her ears-

Miki's ears flickered, as if she had an itch, and her nose wriggled slightly.


I jerked my head up to look at her better, rubbing my eyes to make sure I'm not going crazy. Is she moving? She's waking up?

I stared at her, making sure not to blink as much as possible. She didn't move again. Of course I was seeing things-

A low groan erupted in her throat, her face scrunching up in pain. I jumped out of my seat and got closer to her. "Miki!" She didn't answer, but can she hear me??

"Miki!!" Her ear twitched towards me. She can! She can hear me! I just know it.

"Y/n!" Her eyes fluttered open and closed, before she managed to squint. I felt all my stress and worry wash off me, I could fucking float if I wanted to. Another pained groan filled the room, as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Da-.." She whispered, before going into a coughing fit. Tears managed to escape her squeezed shut eyes, rolling down the sides if her face and drenching her pillow. I placed my hand on the side of her face, gently wiping the tears, after calling the nurses and Recovery Girl to take a look at her.

I was rushed out of the room so that the nurses can properly check her, and try to keep her awake from the coma she was in. I paced back and forth, occasionally stepping into Eri's room to distract myself.

"Mr. Eraserhead.." Eri whispered, watching me from the hospital bed. I looked up, and saw Eri staring at me with concern.

"Are you okay?"

I sighed and crossed my arms in front of me, after realizing I was biting into my nails impatiently. "I'm sorry Eri, yes. I'm completely fine" I apologized and scooted closer to the bed, placing my hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

Y/n pov

Once I opened my eyes, I felt pain. I tried to call out for Dad, but I began to cough uncontrollably. I could have sworn I heard him.. Was I dreaming? I forced my eyes to open once again, just to see unfamiliar ones staring back.

"Hello, Y/n. Can you hear me?" A nurse to my left asked, multitasking to the computer next to her and my I.V's that stuck my arm. To my right, another nurse was doing something I couldn't quite see.

I nodded, shaking off the soreness in the back of my neck. I'm in a hospital.. So that means I was saved. Does Dad know I'm here? "D-Dad? Where..." I tried to speak, my voice sounding hoarsely. My throat felt as if I swallowed glass.

"We asked him to step out of the room just for a moment. He'll be in soon" The nurse smiled and placed a cold cloth on my burning forehead. The cool sensation felt amazing, helping me to relax and ignore the pain just a bit.

"I see you're awake now, how are you feeling Y/n dear?" Recovery Girl chimed in enthusiastically, as she went over the information on the clipboard that was placed into her hands by the nurses. "Recovery Girl..." I smiled, my throat sore and dry. "I'm really... thirsty" I wheezed, watching her prop herself up onto a stool so she can get a better look at me.

"You went through quite a lot... I don't want to burden you with questions of what happened. I'll leave that to the police. But, is there anywhere in particular you feel extreme pain?"

"Everywhere hurts.. but I'm okay. I want to see dad" I asked, hoping she'll go get him. Obviously he's here, because one of the nurses said he was waiting somewhere. "Of course sweetie, in a minute. Your body is still trying to remake all that blood you loss, which was difficult when we had to flush out all those chemicals that were injected into your body"

Oh, yeahh... There was that man that tried to kill me.. Was he with that guy that had hands all over him? Is bakugou okay??? They didn't kill him right!? Recovery Girl had to calm me down, as I began to have a panic attack, remembering everything that had happen.

I felt unsafe, and exposed. I clawed at my skin, crying as I remember the little girl I saw. She's probably dead.. I was too weak to save her, that mean man probably killed her! The room began to spin, making me dizzy and hyperventilate. I kicked the blankets off of me, the room felt extremely hot all of a sudden. I-... I can't breathe!!

Recovery Girl rushed dad in, I didn't even notice he was there in the midst of my panic attack. I couldn't hear him whispering in my ear, and holding me tight in his arms to calm me down. I can smell that familiar scent of coffee and pine soap.. Is daddy here?

I stopped kicking my legs and trying to move my bandaged arms, and inhaled the air. Is that..

I saw dad staring down at me, worry in his eyes. His mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear anything. But as I locked eyes with him, I felt everything go into slow motion. As if the room wasn't spinning anymore. It was just me and him...

"Daddy..." I cried, touching his face to make sure it was him. He's real...? He's right here.. right?

"You're okay, Miki... I got you. I got you, my kitten. I got you" I can hear his whispers, echoing in my ears as I squeezed him tighter.

wow you guys. do you like the book so far? 8k reads or something.. That's crazy! I just made this up for funsies because I thought the beginning would be a cute ass story. but lookie, I gave Y/n fucking PTSD i'm so sorry. I was trying to make it interesting...

don't hate me (•́‿•̀)

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