The Search For Answers

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It's been a few days after the incident at the bank and little has really turned up about the guy they saw. Mikoto is starting to get frustrated as she doesn't understand how someone like him could have gone pretty much completely unknown to her until now. She was replaying the event over and over in her mind trying to come to terms with this guy who seemed to be at least as power as a Level 5. She decided to take a walk around Academy City to try and blow off some of the stress that was accumulating due to this, and since she had the day off, it seemed like a good idea.

She thought as she turned on to the main sidewalk outside of Towikadai Middle School(the school in which she attended) "I just can't seem to figure out how that guy could have gone unnoticed. I mean honestly with how technologically advanced Academy City is, you would think that something more than a rumor would have emerged about him. And I mean he seemed like what occurred was nothing to him which is also so strange. I wonder if his ability has something to due with physical enhancement or somehow manipulating time." She continued this train of thought as she started to stroll down the streets of the ever so busy Academy City, but alas, she couldn't pin down just exactly was his particular ability. After all, he displayed several possible ones but none seemed to fit as each one could only explain a certain aspect of the event that transpired. About an hour later as Mikoto was about to give up on trying to figure out the guy's power, her friend Saten appeared from around the corner.

Saten as she nearly bumped into Mikoto: "Oh, hi Mikoto."

Mikoto: "Hey Saten."

Saten: "So have you been able to figure out what was with that guy yet? Cause I'm stumped" she asked with an inquisitive tone.

Mikoto: "Not yet. Though I have at least narrowed down his power to two possibilities, but they honestly only cover part of what we saw."

Saten: "Really, well what do you think is his ability? Cause I'm thinking he's someone who has attained multiple abilities or has some power so ludicrous that it allows him to use more abilities than he has."

Mikoto: "Something like that doesn't exist. Besides if that were the case then he could've handled that incident a lot better." She said in a dismissive tone.

Saten: "Well what do you think he's got then?"

Mikoto: "I'm thinking something along the lines of gravity manipulation or physical augmentation, but honestly that only accounts for certain parts. I'm at a complete lost on that guy."

Saten: "Yeah I hear ya." She said with an understanding tone. Suddenly Mikoto saw a guy who looked almost exactly like the guy from the incident, but something was off. He was wearing what looked liked a warm grey shirt, a lighter grey jacket, an almost olive green scout pants, a brown belt with a gold colored buckle, and brown shoes. He was walking with both his hands in his pockets and was about to round a corner.

Mikoto: "Hey Saten, doesn't that guy look like the one we saw a few days ago?" She said as she pointed at the guy.

Saten: "Yeah, he kinda does."

Mikoto: "I say we follow him and confirm these suspicions of mine." She said as he rounded the corner. Saten agreed to Mikoto's plan and the two of them proceeded to follow somewhat close behind the man. They spent several hours following this man, but nothing he did seemed to prove Mikoto right. The they suddenly heard a strange ringtone coming from him. He shortly answered the call, however, they could only make out something about dispatching something in Academy City. All of a sudden they all saw a middle school aged girl stumble at an intersection up ahead of then and soon after she fell, a couple of dudes walked out and surrounded her. Though it was hard to hear them, they could make out that the dudes around the girls were bad news. Mikoto was about to say something but her train was interrupted by the guy saying

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