death runs in the family

Start from the beginning

" Loki missed his shift" Roy yawned as he rose.

Pasha and Hendrum were the first to wake up; they walked outside seeing Roy pacing. " good morning roy. Why are you still up?" hendrum looking side to side. " did loki not come to relieve you?"

" no he is still asleep i assume" roy getting to his feet. He turned and walked to the door. " our messenger wont bother us anymore"

Pasha looked up to Roy " did he give you the final note?"

" no we had a little chat last night" he closed the door behind him.

Pasha and hendrum turning their heads to one another. Hendrum curiosity got him " how is he always so calm?"

" know clue actsssually. The calm before the sstorm" pasha stared down to the ground contemplating.

Hendrum grabbed Pasha's shoulder, spinning her to the right, stopping her when she faced the sleigh. " a bed was made now it is time to rest in it"

Pasha stepped forward to the sleigh, her mind wandering as she stepped in. hendrum following behind. Hendrum sighs as he slapped the reigns. The beast standing up and shaking its head. Hendrum slapped the reigns once more. The beast sneezing as it began to move it slowly marched to life walking forward. The wheels creaked as they rolled around. The birds chirped overhead as little beams of light shot through the leafs of the trees.

Gordon was cooking in the kitchen and the sounds of the meat sizzling made pasha hungry.

Her stomach growled, her hand immediately grabbing it holding it.

Hendrum armor creaked as he turned his head " go inside and eat it sounds like Gordon is finished."

" are you sssure you will be fine up here alone?'' Pasha stood up already knowing the answer.

" yes now go girl" hendrum shaking his hand showing her to go.

She smiled hoping over the back end of the sleigh swinging onto the side of the carriage. The door opening as she slithered in.

Hendrum staring ahead the road was gonna be this rough dirt till they arrived the only certainty he had in that moment

Everyone was inside sitting at the table, Gordon pouring wine over some meat, the steam and small burst of flame was overshadowed by Loki scurrying in holding his spear in hand as he looked around.

" huuuh? Did I oversleep or something?" loki tucking the spear against the wall.

Filamer pointing to the window. " you didn't miss much. We are heading to the town of holdings. To get the cube"

Loki nodding. " and where is my brother?"

Gordon sticking a ladle to the front. " hes driving because someone didn't relieve roy so he must sleep"

" i do apologize i was having a pleasant rest with a sweet dream of the bunnies hopping along the meadow"

Gordon shook his head as he began plating the food. " Go join your brother in the sleigh," his voice stern and heavy.

Loki nodded grabbing his spear and he grabbed the door sliding out. The metal armor hitting the carriage with his body the thudding echoed inside. The muffled sound of scolding coming from hendrum was heard by all.

The plates clinking down on the table. Each person has a different meal. Gordon smiled as he pulled up his bowl of ham and lettuce.

The road of dirt and rocks seemed somewhat smooth as they rode along. Each hiding in their rooms. Filamer sitting on the floor next to roys bed. He was still fast asleep.

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