Roy's nightfright

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Roy laying in his bed looking up at the ceiling. The voices swirling in his head.

The bed feeling of rocks and knives. It wasnt comfortable. Roy tossed and turned unable to rest. The owls hooting thru the thin windows.

Roy lifting the cube from his blanket. It was cold to the touch. The galaxy leaking from its cracked corner. Turning to dust as it touch the open air.

" how could you have been everywhere?"

He fiddled with the cube. He couldnt sleep with it in his presence. Roy stood up leaving the cube in his bed.

" what are you that is so powerful? A god servant?" a light ticked on. " no no maybe i was having predictions my subconscious knew it all it was warning me. The galaxy man was an imaginary friend he mustve come back because he looked so much like this cube"

He felt as tho a weight lifted from his shoulders. His eyes slamming shut as he fell to the bed.

The carriage endlessly moving forward. Gordon the only person watching the entire carriage.

A jolt awoke roy flinging himself up from the bed. He looked about the room. The starry sky in full darken bloom. He looked about the room gazing. Not a thing in sight.

Something felt strange. He rolled back into the bed. Roy sitting up as tho a snake slizzered up his back. He noticed what was wrong, the cube, it wasnt in his bed nor hands. He scoured the ground. The chattering of teeth from outside the room.

Roy rolling to the floor he crawled to the door, grabbing his blades at the doorside. Holding tightly in his hands he cracked the door. Nothing even the sound vanished.

He darted to the next door. The name "filamer" written on the door.

Roy knocked. No reply. He opened the door, entering thru the door he saw noone. The bed was non-existant. It was a empty room.

Roy running out the room. The blade scrapping the walls, he checked each room yet all the same empty. He opened the carriage door to see no forrest nor desert. It was just space and the stars. The carriage drifting as if it wasnt there. The cube floating in the space surrounded by floating skulls and bones. The chattering as if they were cold as they laughed around the cubes.

" it broke its brokens"

" yes yes broken its soon for this existence"

" father will be pleased pleased at last"

The skulls jittering as they saw roy. " the decider"

" choose to save or kill"

" murderer"

" healer, preacher"



A skull spinning around like the hands on a clock " your choice when you awake choose well. Kill the cube to heal or heal the cube to kill, war ends but exstinction never stops"

Roy pushing the skull away " war will end sooner if you let me use the cube, move!" he flew thru the stars, one flying nearly hitting him. He pushed thru each skull. The bones pushing him back preventing him from grabbing the cube.

He pushed and shoved his way thru.

The bones becoming more aggressive the closer he got, even so biting him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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