Chapter 1

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Ellie's P.O.V.

I just don't believe him. I just can't. If us immunes are so common, then why are there so many zombies!? Explain that Joel! I can't believe he's lied to me after all we've been through. Everything. He can't even look me in the eye anymore. If I try and pursue the answer he'll brush me off, and then eventually give the silence treatment. Goddammit Joel! Why do you have to do this? Why now! Why don't you trust me? "Come over here Ellie!" Joel calls out "I think I've found something you would like!" I hop off the large rock I was standing on and make my way to him. He knows that I know something's up.

Joel's P.O.V.

There's no way in this hell or another that I can tell her. She would have a fit, Ellie's like a bomb, if you cut the wrong wire she'll either get you killed, or kill you herself. I can't tell her that I've murdered Marlene, She worshipped that damn woman. We finally made our way to Marlene, to find out She's going to kill Ellie for some dumbass cure that has a chance of not even working. After everything we've been through, I just can't let Ellie go. She's not my Sarah, no, She's my Ellie.

I've been digging through an old and abandoned house, searching for anything, anything at all to take my mind off what I've just done. Of all the things I've killed, Marlene the Human would be the most damaging. I'm looking through a pile of old papers and magazines, when I find one of those comics Ellie's been reading. Savage Starlight Maybe this will cheer her up. Not likely, but I can dream. "Come over here Ellie!" I yell for her "I think I've found something you would like!"

She jumps off the rock she was sitting on, and walks over towards me. She looks as if she's in deep thought, and just about trips over a chopped down log in her concentration. I hope she understands if the truth gets out. Which I will try my very best to prevent.

Ellie's P.O.V.

It's probably some lame attempt to get me to forgive him, for whatever he's done. It has everything to do with Marlene, I can just feel it. If we get hunted down by an army of Fireflies, he has some explaining to do. I creak open the wooden door and walk inside, closing the door behind me. Joel why won't you just tell me, the longer you leave it the more shit ton heavier the bomb will be. Man-up Joel.

Joel turns around and hands me a magazine, wait no, it's a savage starlight comic! Okay, I'm suprised at that. I thought a finished the series? I try not to let my happiness show however Joel obviously notices because he looks that bit relieved. The smile dissapeared as quickly as it appeared when the sounds of an infected. Joel and I both seem to notice immediately and react without having to tell the other. We sneak out the back door, and walk off towards the forest down below.

This probably isn't the best idea, but who the hell cares, it's not like anything matters now. Riley's gone, My Mom's gone, Sam's gone, and Joel's slowly slipping away.

Joel's P.O.V.

As soon as I hand her the comic and she sees the words Savage Starlight printed on the front page a smile creeps up on her face. I can't help but feel a bit of weight lifted of my shoulders, only a pound. She seems to notice this and the smile disappears. Where's the old Ellie, the Ellie that used to joke around, the Ellie that was curious about the world before the infection.

A moan escapes from an infected lips and I glance towards the window, I can see a bobbing head pass by. It's time to leave. Ellie and I slowly creep towards the door careful not to creek the floorboards. Once we're both outside we walk off towards the forest at the bottom of the hill. Guilt's eating me away about this whole situation, it stinks. I can't loose her like I lost Sarah, I don't think I could stand the loneliness.

After about 20 minutes of walking down the hillside Ellie sits down. "I'm tired and I need a rest." She complains. "C'mon Ellie, you should of done your resting on that rock, like some sort of turtle." She looks up at me and glares. "If I was a turtle, I wouldn't be in this mess."

Ellie's P.O.V.

Really Joel! A turtle!? his humour is just downright strange, it's so obivous he's hiding something. I need to find out what, as soon as possible. I lie down on the hill, and cover my eyes from the sun. I know I won't get any sleep anytime soon but I just need to do a little bit more thinking.

My mind wanders to Riley, and our last moments together. My eyes start tearing up, but I can't cry. Not now. I need to stay strong. I stand back up and push the memories of Riley and I into a box in the back of my mind.

"Let's just get this shit over and done with." I murmur, and then march down the hillside.

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