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The Day has come,
It's today December 20, 2020,
I want to tell you that,
I already stop waiting for your responses,
I already stop checking whether you have already seen my messages to you,
I already stop keeping an eye on you if you you are online or not &
I'll stop visiting your timeline to check if you post there something new,
The day has come that
I already stop talking about you w/my friends,
I stop checking you out with your best of friends and acquaintances,
I even stop waiting every night just to reminice our late night moments/chitchats
I stop finding you among the crowd,
I stop thinking about you even during my class hours,
I stop writing you poems,
I stop listening to your favorite matthios songs,
I stop wondering what could have been between us, &
I stop hoping that there'll be an us.
The day that I've waited already come
That your no longer my late night reverie,
my early morning trance,
You stop being the apple of my eye, &
You stop invading my heart and mind.
But please always remember that I'm fragile "Marupok". & do know that even if I'd stop doing all of those things, I will never ever stop caring for you. I will never stop loving you as a friend.

Btw Congratulations! I'm setting you free.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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