In Love?

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Corinas POV

Me and Ashley got back around 9pm. I texted my brother to asked if he was home.

                                                             Hey Johan what              time are you getting home?

Probably around 6am i'm going to someone's house

                                                               Oh alright

"Hey Ashley is it ok if i spend the night here my brothers gonna be gone all night?" I asked as we sat down.
"I'll go ask." She said.
I nodded as she walked up the stairs. I sat there and looked around to try and pass some time. Carlton came downstairs dancing around. "What are you so happy about?" I asked while turning to look at him.
"Guess what just happened."
"What?" I asked.
"I got a call from this girl and she said she wants to go on a date with me." He replied smiling.
" Oh really? Let me see." I said while standing.
He handed me his phone as i read the message. I didn't believe it so i asked for a picture. They said They don't look good right now so wait. I scrunched my face at it and handed it back to Carlton. " I don think that's a real girl." I told Carlton. "Well of course it is. Why wouldn't it be." he asked. " Never mind then." I said. " Well i'm off. see you later." he said walking out the door. Just as he left Ashley came down the stairs. "They said it's fine if you stay." She said. We both walked upstairs to her room to get ready for bed. I borrowed one of her night gowns to sleep in. I changed and then laid down on her bed. I got under the cover and said goodnight to Ashley. She replied goodnight. I turned off the lights and went to sleep.

I woke up around 2 am to someone crying. I got out of bed slowly to not wake up Ashley. I walked down the stairs into the living room saw Carlton on the floor crying. "Omg what's wrong Carlton?" i asked while bending over and rubbing his back to comfort him. "She was a he. A HE." he said while shaking me. " I told you it was probably fake." I'm so upset." He said while putting his hands over his face. " It's ok Carlton you'll be fine." I said as i looked at him. "You have beautiful eyes." I said to Carlton as i looked in his eyes. He looked back at me. We stared into each others eyes for what felt like hours. I started to lean in but he looked away quickly. I turned red cause i got nervous. "Oh um I'm actually really tired." he said as he yawned. "I'll talk to you in the morning." he said as he went upstairs. I just nodded and sat there until he went into his room. I looked down while fidgeting with my bracelet. I felt my eyes water as i started getting up. I went upstairs to lay down too. I started thinking about what just happened. Why do i feel like thins? What's wrong with me? Why did i start leaning in? Wait.....Do i like Carlton?
Thanks for reading chapter 2. I hope you liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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