Things You Both Have In Common

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Veronica Sawyer:

-You both know how to forge handwritings

Jason Dean:

-You two can be psychotic
-You both have experienced Trauma
-You two love slushies

Martha Dunnstock:

-You two are a sucker for happy endings

Ram Sweeney:

-You two are athletic
-You two are close with Kurt

Kurt Kelly:

-You two can come off as harsh but you guys are actually sweeties

Heather Chandler:

-You two are very strong
-Overprotective Of someone they love
-Dem High kicks doe

Heather Duke:

-You two are bookworms
-You two can get insecure

Heather McNamara:

-Y'all are softies
-You two are a ray of sunshine
-You two need to be protected A S A P

Betty Finn:

-You two are overachievers

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