How You Two Met

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Veronica Sawyer:

You were at a party in Remington University and honestly, you hated it.

You could NOT Believe your brother invited you and you agreed to going.

But a certain girl in blue caught your eyes.

You noticed her go into a room and didn't think anything of it UNTIL one of the Remington boys followed her into the room with a sinister look on his face.

You followed the boy and caught him making sexual advances at the girl but she kept refusing and he kept pushing, so you decided to step in.

"Back off, dude. No means no" The guy simply ignored you and continued making sexual advances, so you went to him, and grabbed the back of his collar.

He grabbed your wrist but all you did was twist his arm and placed your arm on his neck and started choking him.

"Agh- ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I'LL LEAVE HER ALONE!" He yells, so you let go of him and he runs away.

"Thanks, I'm Veronica Sawyer" The girl said as she held out her hand.

You shook her hand and nodded "Y/N"

Jason Dean:

You were stuck in History class, hardly paying attention. To be honest, you would rather be asleep on your bed than be here.

Until a guy in a trench coat caught your eye.

He had dark hair and a mysterious aura surrounding him. You noticed him chuckling.

You continued to scan him until-


The bell rang.

You noticed him stand up and walk to you "Greetings and Salutations! I'm Jason Dean" he said as he held out his hand.

You smiled and shook his hand "Y/N L/N"

Martha Dunnstock:

You met her on the playground when you were kids.

You saw a girl in a pink sweater crying by the slides so you went up to her and asked "Hellooo, what's wrong?" She looked up at you and then looked away "I-I c-couldn't f-find my-" she sniffled "my toy..."

You frowned then looked at the teddy bear you had and gave it to her with a smile on your face "Here! Let's play with Mr. Huggles together!"

The girl smiled and nodded.

Ram Sweeney:

You were on the cheerleading team, it was a football match and you and the team were doing some cheer thing (A/N: I am sorry, I do not know anything about cheerleading.)

Then one of the players went up to you and said "Yooo, I'm Ram Sweeney what's uuupppp" You chuckled at his sillyness (A/N: Is that even a word?)

"I-" You got interrupted by your best friend, Heather McNamara "He's/She's Y/N L/N!" Ram smiled and winked at you then went back to the game.

Kurt Kelly:

Kurt has liked you for a while, but didn't know how to approach you, until one day, at lunch.

You were sitting with your best friends, Martha Dunnstock, or Dumptruck, by the Heathers, and Veronica Sawyer. When Kurt went up to you and said "U-Uh, Hey! I'm Kurt Kelly and I saw you from afar and decided to come up to you!"

You've heard rumours about him and his friend, Ram, rape girls on dates so you just politely smiled and nodded and went back to talking to your two best friends.

Heather Chandler:

You were a new student at Westerburg along with your brother, Jason Dean.

And you had immediately caught the popular girl's eye.

"Just go talk to him/her, Heather!" Heather Duke said to Chandler.

"Shut up, Heather" She rolled her eyes and continued staring at you, not noticing Heather Duke's "Sorry Heather..."

Until an idea popped in Chandlers mind.

IT WAS THE LUNCHTIME POLL! So she said "Veronica! You know what time it is..." Chandler smirked and Veronica nodded and followed Chandler to your table.

"Hi, I'm Heather Chandler, nice to meet you" she held out her hand, so you took it and kissed her hand "Hallo, Y/N Dean, how may I help you?" Heather bit back a smile as you and her got so invested in each other. Not noticing your brother and her "best friend" making googly eyes at each other.

"You win 5 Million dollars-"

Heather Duke:

You were at the library reading the classic "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, when you noticed a girl in green sat in the seat in front of you, clearly invested her book that was "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville.

"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago---never mind how long precisely---having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore" You recited with a smile on your face as her eyes lit up and her lips curled into a smile as she looked up from her book and at you and continued "I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of drivin off the spleen and regulating the circulation."

You smiled and said (A/N: I used google translate, btw) "Schön dich kennenzulernen, ich bin Y/N L/N" you say with a smirk.

The girl in green smirked and held out her hand "Ich bin Heather Duke" You were surprised she understood what you had said but you smirked and shook her hand.

Heather McNamara:

Heather was in the bathroom, crying about something Heather Duke said, and it so happened that you walked in (A/N: If you're a boy, then you went in the wrong bathroom by accident).

You noticed her crying and asked "What's wrong?" Heather shook her head and silently uttered "Nothing..."

You sighed and sat next to her on the ground and put your arm, around her and hugged her as she cried in your chest and started venting (A/N: I swear, if you vote Heather McNamara out for venting, Heather Mac stans are coming for you).

Betty Finn:

You had always thought Betty Finn was rather gorgeous, or cute. Ever since your sister, Veronica Sawyer, had introduced you to each other. You immediately fell head over heels for her.

"Hey sis, who do you have right there?" You ask your sister.

Veronica and the mystery girl's head snapped in your direction and your eyes landed on the mystery girl and you just thought....

"Wow!!! She was absolutely gorgeous!"

Veronica then said "This is Betty! Betty this is my brother/sister, Y/N!" Betty got up from the couch with a smile and walked over to you and held out her hand "Hi! I'm Betty" you smiled and shook her hand.


A/N: Don't forget to vote on the chapter if you liked what you read! :DD

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