Attempt Escape

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  Your Pov     

      Everything was dark, I looked around scared but I shivered a little from the freezing temperatures,

'W-Why is it cold in here?...' I thought as I tried to move and realized I was in a cramped space.

I grew scared as I see the walls closing in on me......

I began to panic as I begin to have trouble breathing as sweat rolled down my forehead......

I try to breath calmly but the situation made my vision worse........

      Suddenly to my relief the door opened revealing Jay, 'oh thank God he's alright!' I thought "oh Jay thank g-" but I was cut off by Jay shushing me.

       Jay heard singing outside, I didn't know what was going on, until I remembered about the man that froze me.

'That....Bastard!' I thought angrily in my head but then I remembered the ice cream helmet he was wearing, 'that helmet looked oddly familiar though?...' I thought thinking about it, until Jay looked at me and put his finger between his lips, signaling to keep quiet,

I nod as he whispered "I'll distract him, you run, don't worry I dealt with him many times before.." he then try to open the door but it was lock or baracaded,

I looked around as this place was like a garage. I noticed that I was in the fridge so I climbed out quietly and looked around,

there I saw a half opened garage but there were strings which I assume to keep the garage from opening.

        I looked around at some of the tool kits and tool boxes till I found wire cutters, I looked at Jay, "Jay..look" I whispered as he turned to me,

I hand him the wire cutters and he used them to cut the strings and lift the garage as quietly as we could, then we quickly sneak out.

I almost gasped but covered my mouth to see the man but he seemed to be sleeping on his hammock,

I was relieved Jay wanted me to follow him inside the van but I refused to go anywhere near there, I had to make a run for it.

I ran as fast as I can to the ice cream truck

I suddenly saw the man in the ice cream mask waking up and ran after me.

No one's POV

Rod was awake as he chased you, you ran towards a fence door and opened it, he tried to reach for you but stopped. You thought you were free from him...

but you could've been more wrong....

you looked around the corner and saw an alligator by tall grass. You panicked as you slowly backed away trying to make sure that they wouldn't attack you.

but that didn't work as they slowly swam towards you, it seems this would be the end of your branch as you backed away but slipped falling onto your bottom, shielding yourself having your eyes closed, bracing for impact.

"Get away from her!!" A voice yelled as you can hear water splashing, grunts, and growls as it sounds like a struggle.

You open your eyes to see Rod wrestling with the Alligator as he managed to get on top of them and lift their head up a little closing their jaw, you were frozen with fear as you took this opportunity and ran out of there, you heard yelling from behind you but you hid in a box near the hammock.

You hear footsteps coming towards your direction as you were quivering in fear.

Meanwhile Jay didn't know what to do, he didn't want Rod to see him and you together.

Just then you felt a strong hand grabbed you and lift you up, you screamed as you heard a laugh

"Think you can just ran off without me finding you?!" Rod yelled as he grasped you, "L-Let me go!!" You yelled as he just chuckled.

You then felt yourself being pinned down, "now back to the freezer with you!" Rod yelled as he was about to freeze you, out of instinct you kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

Rod stopped as he grunts in surprised as he got off of you as he held his crotch, groaning in pain.

You took this as a change and grabbed a pipe near you and knocked him out

Rod was knocked out but he won't be down for long

You quickly got into the ice cream truck where Jay is there "thanks for the help..." You said sarcastically...

Jay looked down nervously and scratch behind his head "sorry..." He spoke

You both waited until you two heard groaning as Rod woke up holding his head, he got up and got into his truck he turned on the engine and drove off with you two in the back.

" did this all happen?.." you whispered to Jay, he looked at you and respond "he captured my friend Charlie before, I had to find the key in Rod's storage to help save him.." he whispered

'wait....why does that name sound familiar?...' you thought

"And I figured out about what he's doing...and why he kidnapped him, Liz, and Mike..don't worry...I doubt Rod had intentions of y'know..." Jay said as his face turned a bit green in disgust, you understood that and you were glad he wasn't that sick.

"So what is he planning to do?.." you asked

"It's all in here.." Jay said as he took out a notebook which was oddly familiar

You opened it and began reading then you realized it was Rod's diary...' in Rod Sullivan?!' you thought as your eyes widen in shocked

"Is something wrong (Y/N)?.." Jay asked

"Jay......Rod was my friend...since middle school....." You spoke as you can see Jay's expression was shocking.


I hope you enjoy!! :33

Cold feelings (Rod Sullivan x fem!reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now