1.2 - Vigilante vs. Pro Hero

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I should start off explaining the people behind the vigilante masks:

The Crawler is a guy by the name of Koichi Haimawari. He's got brown hair and eyes, and... well... such a kind smile and personality in general. Since he's the one that offered to keep me as his own, I began living with him and his wife, Makoto, in their penthouse. Makoto happens to be the sister of Detective Tsukauchi, so that — in effect — was one giveaway as to why the Naruhata Vigilantes were allowed free roam hero-work despite their illegal status.

Pop☆Step's real name is Kazuho Haneyama and she, in her civilian attire, is not someone you would expect to wear the kind of outfit she does as a vigilante. Her eyes are actually a prominent blue like mine, except that they normally sat behind a set of large, round glasses. She wore pink contact lenses when she went out to either perform concerts or patrol the streets with Koichi. She's pretty timid in public as herself but, when she's just with us or she's in her vigilante outfit, she expresses herself fully — voice loud and opinions plentiful.

Admittedly though, it took me a while to warm up to everyone, which I am thankful they were very understanding of. The trauma of that night stuck to me for a long month afterwards, and I mainly kept to myself in the spare room Koichi gave me. The only thing keeping me from seeing all those gruesome images in my mind was for me to do some exercises — any and all of the ones kids had ever done over the years for fun at the park across the street from the Kirita Kodomo while I'd watched longingly from my bedroom window.

Jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, jogging in circles around my room; etcetera etcetera. Makoto and Koichi dropped food off in my room, as well as offered for me to talk to them if I needed it. For a while, I declined, at least until one day when the visions were at their worst — to the point that I was still seeing them while my eyes were wide open.

They came in to find me crying on the floor, automatically rushing forward to hold me at the center of a group hug. Tears were shed, feelings were revealed... you get it. I don't want to get too depressing considering that part of my life is over with because, for a significant bright side, I finally wandered out of my self-made prison of a room. I'd been staying inside for so many years — I admitted as much to my adopted parents — that they decided I needed a lot of changes in scenery.

So, every day since, we would go for a walk. Find somewhere new, try a different restaurant, wander around gardens and museums. It was all so refreshing to me, and it taught me another form that heroism takes... compassion. Something else I could improve on, and only after my own mental health was taken care of.

Over time, I even got closer to Kazuho every time she came over. Between the two of us, it took a little longer to bond what with her slight shyness and me... well, just being wary about new people. Eventually though she added singing to my daily routine, teaching me some of her favorite songs and giving me the option to research the songs I would prefer listening to... but... admittedly I was getting pretty attached to pop music, and that was the majority of what she was teaching me.

Adding on to the group walks and singing lessons, I started doing chores around the house and received some suggestions for my exercise regimen. It really began to feel like I'd become a part of a better family than the one I'd lost — no offense to my deceased father, of course, but being free to go anywhere and everywhere was preferable to hiding inside like a caged bird. I was finally somewhere I could be glad to call home.

My new family, in a nutshell, is entirely unconventional. There are the two professional vigilantes; there is Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi and Makoto with truth sensing quirks; and then there's the old geezer that visits Koichi every few weeks.

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