-------Your POV------

It was nice to be holding his hand again and see his smile as he looked at you. A nurse brought in your dinner. You ate it all. "I didn't realize that I was starving!" She smiled at you.

"That's a good sign. Your vitals are looking better too! How about we get you up and walking?" You nod eagerly as you hop out of the bed. Holding onto Katsuki's hands. "Easy young lady! Baby steps okay? Walk over to me and tell me how it feels." Katsuki slowly walks with you making sure you don't fall.

"I feel fine." You let go of him. He looked worried but you shoo him away and take a few steps on your own. "Really. I feel fine."

"Alright. We'll keep you here for the weekend and release you Monday."

"Alright! Wait till the class hears about this!" Kirishima cheered.

"Hears about what?" Hawks peeked in the room. Dropping whatever was in his hands. "Look at you!"

"Hawks!" You shakily run and jump on him hugging him. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" You sob into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight.

"It's okay kiddo. I'm sorry I didn't protect you."

"Sir, your papers." The nurse handed him a stack of papers.

"I can't believe your up and walking. I didn't think...." He trailed off looking sad.

"I heard you." You smile at him. "The whole time. You hardly left. Thank you." Hawks cheeks blushed slightly.

"Hey. Can I have the room with you for a few minutes? I gotta get you to do paperwork."

"Still my boss huh?" You smile at him. "Will you guys go get me some kind of dessert? I'm still hungry." Bakugo smiled as him and Kirishima left. "Feathers, help me to the bed will ya? I'm exhausted." Your leg bucked from underneath you as he catches you and carries you back. Laying you down.

"Easy there Urchin." He chuckles.

"So what paperwork am I doing?"

"Well. That will actually be up to you." He laid the papers down on your lap. Adoption Forms the read.

"Hawks...what's this?" You shuffled through the papers seeing his name and signature on all the forms, the seal of approval on the certificate. "You wanna..."

"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. A blush spread across his cheeks. "It's hard to explain but..I feel a connection with ya short stack. You have no family besides a locked up villain but you deserve better. Instead of people judging you for being a villains daughter..how about you become a heroes kid?"

"This is a joke right? It looks real but--" a few tears fell from your eyes.

"No. It's real. I wanna adopt you (F/n)." He laid a pen down on the papers. "Only if you want it." You quickly pick up the pen and sign the papers.

"Come here and give me a hug." You happily cried. He hugged you close and wrapped his wings around you. "Thank you. Thank you so much!" He slowly let you go and gathered all the paperwork.

"I have to go turn this into city hall but I'll be back Tomorrow morning okay? You think about what you want to do for your birthday."

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