What would she think? What did this mean for them?

He gripped the side of his head as he banished the unwelcome thoughts. He knew better. Whether he was human or not, that wasn't something Ruby would let stop her. His brow furrowed in stray thought however as he battled to reel his thoughts into control.

'But what does it mean for us? Are we even technically compatible? What about our ki-'

Anothersplash of even colder water managed to halt the bullet train of his mind. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about...that...

Although his physical form couldn't, he scoffed slightly at his flustered and blushing reflection. Finally turning the facet back off, he collected himself as he stepped back into the hallway. Focusing on walking back into the room he was to be staying in and shutting the door, finally suppressing the heat that assaulted his face.

8n the sea of confusion he was floating through, it brought him comfort to know Ruby had such an effect on him. He stumbled his way to the balcony, opening the sliding glass door and leaning on the railing, gazing out over Beacon Academy, the festival grounds, Amity in the sky and the great bay beyond.

He could worry about what he was later, but first and foremost...

Whatever made him react like that...he wasn't surprised he had flashbacks during team JNPR's match with team BRNZ. He was expecting it. It wasn't the first time he had them either. During his first month or two on Remnant, they were common. Almost nightly.

But never had he been so...susceptible to one before. It was of course entirely possible that he had a more intense fit this time...but it shouldn't have been that intense...right?

He wasn't sure how long he stood on the balcony, but it must have been for a while, because when he looked up from his thoughts, the sun had began to go down, gracing the horizon with its first hints of orange. An omen of the coming sunset.

Deciding that was enough standing for today, he quickly shuffled back to the bed, laying down as he rested his legs that seemed surprisingly sore, closing eyes that were suddenly so heavy. He may be recovering fast, but he felt weak. And the mental gymnastics he had been putting himself through for who knows how long were likely beginning to take a toll on him.

???: "How ya holdin' up kid?"

Forcing his eyes open again, he was surprised to see the familiar face of Qrow Branwen, leaning in the doorway to the balcony where he had just been.

Y/n: "Well, I'm alive. Should I even ask how you got there?"

Qrow: "Well, there's no fun in the trick if the magician straight up tells you his secret right?"

Despite the level of smart-ass in Qrow's response, still Y/n finding himself smiling at the wisecrack.

Y/n: "Well I guess an old drunk is better company than a sociopath."

Qrow finally entered the room officially, walking closer to the bed and dropping a large brown paper bag on the nightstand, before planting himself in the chair still next to the bed. Perfectly in character, he produced his handy flask, and took a pull.

Qrow: "Yeah, well this 'old drunk' just brought you food, so your welcome."

Y/n: "Well at least your good for something. So, what makes me so special tonight? Y'know, besides you being a fast food delivery boy in your spare time."

Qrow scoffed at the tired jab from the shadow in front of him. He had to admit, if there was one thing he liked a lot about the kid, he could talk some shit. Good for banter.

Qrow: "I got a chance to catch up with my nieces earlier. What happened to you, was the first thing they told me."

Just the mention of the incident was enough to get the wheels in Y/n's head turning. Looking over to meet eyes with Qrow, it seemed pretty obvious too.

"You've noticed it, haven't you? Something bad is gonna happen soon. Something big."

Y/n: "More than that."

Qrow: "How so?"

Y/n: "The best way I can put it is the one that scares me the most."

Qrow: "Maybe. But that hasn't stopped you yet right? What is it? What're ya feelin?"


Y/n: "The worst deja vu I've ever fucking had..."


Qrow: "Get some sleep kid. The duos are tommorow. You're gonna need to be awake if you wanna watch your team."

Turning his head to face Qrow again, Y/n found that the huntsman was already gone. Their talk was short, but they said all they needed to.

Qrow was right. Something is coming. How bad? He didnt know. How big? He didnt know that either. He did know this though.

He was ready this time. He wasn't going to hesitate. He wasn't going to be ashamed. Whatever he must do to save lives, he will. Even if it kills him again.

Wanting nothing more than to sleep, he ate the food Qrow left him, and did his best to let sleep carry him away.


(I'm sorry! I know this chapter is short, but I kinda hurt myself with it and didn't know what direction to send it! I have so many ideas, that I'm clogging myself up without realizing it. That, and my insomnia is kicking my ass even harder lately. In in a repeating cycle of consciousness, black out, repeat. Hopefully I can fix it soon so I can get back in my rhythm. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter at least a little!)

(Until Next Time)

Just A Shadow (RWBY male reader insert)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin