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It was a stupid idea to walk outside at night after everything you'd experienced, and against Michael's explicit orders; but you'd convinced yourself that it was safe because Michael would protect you, besides he wouldn't have brought you back home if he didn't think you were safe. It was just up and down your street, just to clear your head. Even after a day, you still couldn't get over the way Michael had pushed you away, almost as if he were disgusted. Were you only good enough for your blood?
The night was warm, a crescent moon peeked out from a dark sky like a diamond over a black velvet cloth. A breeze gently caresses your face as you slowly make your way down the road, passing the other houses in your neighborhood, most of which seem to have been put to rest for the night.
Yet, even though it'd been calming at first, you suddenly don't feel safe, making you stop in your tracks. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, goosebumps trailing down your spine. You have to get back inside.
You turn to hurry back when you come face to face with a man, making you jump back.
"Hey there, sweetheart," a husky, familiar voice says, "Miss me?"
Even in the pale light of the moon, you recognize that face, how it had eyed you up and down in the bar, grinned as it had you trapped against the brick wall. You burst into a sprint, but are quickly intercepted by the two goons, one putting you in a headlock. You scream, only for a knife to be held up to your face. You shut up.
"You had a lot of nerve stepping outside at night," Abbadon said, laughing when he sees the terror in your eyes, "If you're hoping that Michael is coming to save you, don't count on it. I had him taken care of."
The words strike to your core. Had they...? No, it can't be. There's no way Michael would have gone down that easily.
You're dragged away and thrown into the back seat of a car, the knife still poised to your throat. You sit pressed against the door for hours, your mind too numb and scared for you to pay attention to the conversation. The city streets and neighborhoods pass by soon replaced by open field and wilderness. Eventually, you pull off the side of the road and are forced out of the car. The trio lead you through the brush until you come to a large structure in the middle of the woods.
"Welcome to my humble home," Abbadon says as he leads them inside and they descend the steps.
In a large, cave-like room, a group is gathered as if waiting for their arrival. They stare up at the scared human being forcefully lead down to them. You feel like fresh meat in a lion's den.
"You've brought dinner," a woman in a long purple dress says. She walks up to them with a black, silver-handled cane, her auburn hair pulled tightly into an updo.
Abbadon grins, "I brought my dinner. We've still got prisoners for the rest of you."
"Isn't it dangerous to bring her here?" She looks you up and down, "After what Michael said?"
"I had my brother handled," he says, "Some hunters equipped to handle the king of the vampires."
King? You think in amazement.
He grabs you by the back of your neck and drags you towards the center of the room, throwing you on the ground. You whimper and try to scramble away, only to be held down by Tristan and Tate.
Abbadon stands over you, his smile dripping with wicked glee.
"You and I are going to have so much fun, sweetheart."

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