"He was a popular kid, friends with everyone on the football team but didn't play himself. We got paired up for a disecting project. He was dating Katy Larson at the time, the prettiest girl at school. She was a senior and he was a junior, so their relationship was a big deal." She sighs. "I remember him being so confused. He never knew any of the equipment. He would make up names for things and eventually we had inside jokes about it and developed a friendship. He invited me to go get milkshakes with his friends. When Katy dumped him, he was pretty upset and I comforted him. Then we started to hang out, one-on-one." A smile forms on her face. "I remember the night he asked me to be his girlfriend. He asked me out to a drive-in movie theatre and Grease, my favorite movie at the time, was playing. At the end of the movie, when the credits were rolling, he said, and I quote, 'Will you be the Sandy to my Danny?' I, of course, said yes and we became the most popular couple at school. We were the couple every one wanted. We were in love and unbreakable."

My heart warms at the idea of my parents having such an amazing love story.

"I never knew Dad was such a romantic."

"He sure was. Every anniversary he would get me a bouquet of daises. Except for the last one we had. The last day he lived was the last anniversary we ever had."

"Dad died on your anniversary?" She nods. I notice sadness show up in her eyes, remembering the events of Dad's death. I hate that I brought it up, even though I know it always makes us sad thinking about it.

For yet another moment, there is an uncomfortable silence between us. We rarely talk about Dad, and when we do, it always ends in sadness.

"I'm gonna go get dinner started." She says this and stands up. Mom would cook when she felt comfortable or wanted to get her mind off of things. It just sucks that I'm the reason she needs to change her strain of thoughts.

The weekend seemed to go by fairly quick and before I knew it, I was back at school.

When I went to school, it seemed as if eyes were still on me. I know I've only been in school for one week -- technically two but I missed the entirety of the second week -- but by now, people begin to ignore me. Throughout the day, eyes would stare and whispers floated around me wherever I went.

At lunch, I decided to go to the cafeteria for once. I didn't have money to buy food nor did I bring lunch, but it's rare I eat at this time of day anyways. 

Most people were already seated so as I enter, eyes fell on me. As I stood at the entrance, I looked for familiar faces. My eyes quickly scan the room and I make eye contact with Ollie who is all the way across the cafeteria. He waves and gestures for me to come over. The rest of the group turns towards me and smiles as I walk toward them.

As I'm walking, I notice that girl Lexie looking at me. Her amber eyes are shooting glares at me. The rest of her friend group follows suite, thinning their eyes and acting as if I'm the devil in disguise.

"Hey, Erin." Ollie is the first to greet me. Cam has his arm protectively around Ollie, holding Ollie's hand in the process. Olivia has earbuds in, listening to music I assume. When Ollie says my name, Parsons looks up at me, setting his phone down. 

"Hey, Beanie." A smirk lies on his lips. "Fancy seeing you here."

"What? At school? It's shocking for me too." Cam chuckles.

"You know you can sit, right?" Liv gestures to the seat across from her, which is in between Cam and Parsons. Liv sits next to her twin and next to Parsons as well. I take a seat and set my bag down.

Cam and Ollie engage in conversation, whispering to one another. Liv puts her head down and listens to whatever is playing through her earbuds. Parsons goes back to being on his phone, scrolling through Instagram, I imagine.

It All Started with a BeanieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin