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After we finished eating, I drove us to my house. 

When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed Mom was already home. I put the car in park and turn off the ignition. I lead Liv into the house and she keeps quiet the entire time, probably just taking in the surroundings.

As I close the door behind me, I hear Mom talking to someone. I follow the sound of her voice and see her talking on the phone. She sits on the couch in her pajamas. Her hair is tied into a bun and she holds a mug with one hand, the other holding the phone to her ear. 

"Mom?" I say, trying to catch her attention. She looks startled at first, almost spilling her drink but quickly recovers.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later." She hangs up on the phone and looks towards me and Liv, a smile plastered on her face. "Hey, sweetie."

"Mom, this is Liv." I gesture towards Liv who gives a slight wave to Mom.

"I'm Erin's mom, Anna." She looks down at her clothing and a slight blush fills her cheeks. "I am so sorry for how I look. I didn't expect there to be a guest. I would've dressed a little better."

"It's alright." Liv gives my mom a small smile.

"So what brings you kids home so early?" She takes a sip from whatever is in her mug.

"School got cancelled because the heaters topped working." She nods. "Hey, Mom? Is it cool if I go to Pars- Neil's? And maybe spend the night?"

"Yeah, sure." She grabs the TV remote and turns it on, House Hunters being the show that is airing.

"Really?" My eyes widen in slight shock. Since I've worn a beanie, my mom has been very protective of me. It took a long time before I could have Elliott come over when we first met. But now, she's saying it as if this is normal.

"Yes, really." She chuckles a little and looks me in the eyes. "I trust you and I trust your friends. If something happens, I'm only a couple minutes away. Go have fun."

I walk towards her and pull her into a hug. "Thank you." I whisper into her ear, a smile on my face. I give her a kiss on the cheek before heading to my room, Liv following behind me. 

As we enter my room, I notice Liv just looking around, slight awe on her face.

"You room is so...nice." She smiles slightly, nodding in an approving way.

"I haven't cleaned it in a while so sorry for the slight mess." I kick some shoes out of the way as I rub my hand against the back of my neck. I pick up a couple pieces of clothes and put them in my laundry basket.

"Believe me when I say that this 'mess' is nothing compared to my room." She puts air quotes around the word "mess" and laughs. I join in laughing before grabbing a night bag.

"So what do you guys typically do?" I watch as Liv sits down on my bed, making herself at home. I chuckle and shake my head slightly at her actions but begin grabbing clothes.

"Like Neil said, we'll we play board games, watch movies, eat a lot of food, and just enjoy ourselves. But seriously, was the last time you were over with us the first time you have hanged out with people?" I nod, my face heating slightly. I expect her to laugh but she doesn't. "Why's that?"

I'm slightly stunned at her question. She didn't make fun of me nor did she just drop the topic. I didn't think Liv was the curious one out of the group.

"Well my mom's been very protective of me over the last five years. Wearing a beanie because of medical reasons does that to someone." I sigh, knowing this is going to take a minute to talk about. I place the overnight bag on my desk and sit in the chair next to it. "Ever since I started wearing beanies, I started loosing friends. It wasn't because of the fact that I was wearing it, it was the fact I disappeared for months and I wouldn't tell anyone what happened. And that upset people. Then I didn't have friends for a while. I got use to being alone. Then I met Elliott." A small smile comes on my face as I recall the memory of our meeting. "I was hesitant to open up to the scrawny kid but after a while I knew he wouldn't judge me or leave me. And he hasn't." Another sigh escapes my lips. I lean back into the chair and look at my ceiling before looking back to Liv. "You guys are great. Truly. But the last time I told someone what happened to me, I got expelled."

It All Started with a BeanieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin