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*suzie Q and Lisa Lisa's chat*

*suzie Q is now online*


*Lisa Lisa is now online*

Lisa lisa: um, are you okay, what happened?

Suzie Q: so I was looking at this nice Italian restaurant so I went inside to maybe get a drink or something since it was my day off and OH MY GOD YOU WON'T BELEIVE WHAT I'M SEEING RN

Lisa lisa: oh god.... Send me a picture

*suzie Q sent a picture*

*suzie Q sent a picture*

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Lisa lisa: i-


Lisa lisa: why is joseph-

Suzie Q: I'm gonna leave...... Yea.... Hopefully they didn't see me, they both kinda look drunk!

Lisa lisa: yea..... I'm gonna get some sleep ttyl

Suzie Q: I'm coming home now, ill be there soon, night

*suzie Q is now offline*

*lisa Lisa is now offline*


[reader's P. O. V]

After a while Caesar actually starts to enjoy himself. Him and Joseph have been drinking tequila all night and they've been out for around 2 hours.

"so shiza chan, your enjoying yourself?"

"heh, yea I actually am to be honest!"

"I wish I could stay here all nightttttt"

"No jojo, we should head home it's late.."

"but shiza channn!"

"jojo your clearly drunk... And so am I, it's really late come on"

Caesar gently grabs Joseph by the arm and stumbles out of the building with him.

"shit, we can't drive, we'll need to phone a taxi or something"

"I can drive shiza chan!"

"No you can't Joseph...."

{time skip to whenever they get back to the house :')}

Caesar helped Joseph out of the car, as he was clearly struggling, and payed for the taxi. They both tried to   'quietly' enter the house but in reality they were loud as hell.

Caesar brought Joseph up to his room, which to be honest took a while since Joseph could hardly walk up the stairs and kept falling, but they got there in the end.

"go get changed and go to sleep jojo, okay?"

"but shiza chan, stay for a while...."

"hey, its late, I need sleep and so do you"

Joseph groaned and fell into caesar's arms, wanting him to stay longer.

"please stay...."

"fine, only for a little while"

Joseph looked at Caesar happily and let go of him.

"now, I'm going to change and stuff, you probably should too."

"mhm, yea.... I will"

Joseph sat down on his bed and started attempting to undo his buttons. He looked over at Caesar, with his shirt off already, Caesar noticed this and blushed slightly.

"do you need help jojo?"

Joseph nodded his head slightly as Caesar knelt down and started to undo his buttons. He proceeded to remove the dress Joseph was wearing, leaving it halfway off.

Joseph blushed deeply, looking at Caesar and Caesar stopped to look at him too.

"jojo, are you ok-"

Joseph intrupped Caesar by kissing him, Caesar almost immediately kissed him back but he knew it was wrong since Joseph was going out with Suzie Q already but he couldent help himself, he felt something for Joseph and he truly loved him so he would never let an opportunity like this pass by.

Joseph aggressively pulled Caesar down on top of him, still kissing him. Caesar gently bit Joseph's lower lip for permission and Joseph let him in, feeling caesar's tongue against his made Joseph more horny than he already was. [don't ask I'm just bored af :')]

Joseph slowly slid his hands up and down caesar's chest making him let out a few little moans. Caesar stopped kissing Joseph but then went back to it, kissing his neck this time, Joseph softly moaned, making Caesar kiss his neck harder.

Caesar then bit down down on Joseph's neck, making sure it was hard enough to leave a mark. Joseph moaned loudly and smiled to himself.

"I-I love you shiza chan......."

"I love you too jojo...."

Caesar proceeded to kiss Joseph's neck, slowly making his way down to his chest. Joseph moaned more and tried to silence himself, as he might wake up Lisa Lisa and suzie Q. Caesar started to lick up and down Joseph's chest, making him moan again.

" s-shiza chan~"

Caesar stopped kissing Joseph for a minute, making Joseph impatient.

"shiza chan..... Why did you stop"

"I-I don't know if I should.... Do this"

"d-do anything shiza chan! Hurry up..... I'm getting impatient.."

Caesar sightly sighs, looking down at Joseph, Joseph nods his head and Caesar slowly takes off the rest of Joseph's dress and throws it onto the floor. Caesar smirks before shoving his hand down Joseph's boxers and rubbing his dick. Joseph moand loudly and felt himself getting hard.

"a-ah~ shiza chan....."

Caesar continued rubbing Joseph until he heard a familiar voice enter the room.

"Joseph? Caesar? What the fuck......"


Heh, sorry for leaving yall on a cliff hanger but I seriously need to get to sleep so nightttttttt

jjba part two(kind Of A Group Chat Thing) Caesar x Joseph Where stories live. Discover now