1. 💫

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Wooo! My first LZ fanfic! Here we go! Enjoy, and please do let me know what you think in the comments! 🖤

Disclaimer: this is the first part of a longer story (ik this chapter's long enough but please bear with me) 💕


The year was 1970. I remember standing in front of the gig venue from 8am despite the awful January weather. The only things to keep me warm were a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and an oversized denim jacket I got for Christmas. I knew I could get seriously ill, but what could I do? The thrill of seeing my favourite band was too big and I was willing to do anything to stand in the first row and see my musical idols from up close. There weren't too many other people around – it was a weekday after all, and it was freezing. Only the most dedicated of fans showed up so early.

I checked the time – 9:30 in the morning.

"Great, just 10 more hours," I sighed and put my hands even deeper into the pockets of my jacket.

At around 11am several other fans arrived. I won't lie – their clothes seemed much warmer than mine, and I just kept shivering next to the entrance. None of them came to me, and I was too busy trying not to freeze to death to talk to them myself.

By 1:30pm I was feeling incredibly sleepy and was drifting off every now and then from the cold. I wanted to go to a nearby coffee place and get warm so badly, but there was no way I was leaving my spot near the entrance. All the other fans were behind me and were just glaring at me, smoking whatever the fck they had. None of them offered to help me or lend me their jacket for a few minutes. Jerks. I had to deal with it myself – I stood up, did ten jumping jacks, then sat on my spot and drifted off once again.

I was woken up by loud screams and a pair of strong hands shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see a huge face of a security guy in front of me. When he noticed I was awake, he smiled at me and said: "Thank God! You gave us a good fright. Thought you might not wake up." He looked relieved.

The next second I had my right arm around his neck, my left one around the neck of another guy, and they were slowly getting me on my feet.

"Let's put you on the couch in our office for now, shall we?" the other guy said and helped me into the big entrance doors.

Once in their office, they helped me to sit on the couch, and one of them fetched a blanket from a nearby cabinet and wrapped me in it. I was still a bit confused and way too bewildered to protest.

"You need to get warm again, luv," the biggest fella said with a warm smile.

Explanation, I needed a proper explanation. How did this happen? Why was I lying in a security office wrapped in their blanket?

"Ehm, excuse me, but could someone tell me what's going on?" I asked, hoping I'd get what I needed.

"You don't remember? C'mon, you really don't remember it?" the smaller guy asked me in disbelief. I frowned at him.

"No, I don't. What happened?"

He just shook his head. "You sat in front of the entrance for 6 hours, wearing only your denim jacket, and then you fell asleep! We thought you might be dead, your skin was almost blue!"

"Yeah, you were among the first ones to arrive. But it looks like you forgot your warmer clothes at home," continued the bigger guy with a smirk, but not an unkind one. I guess he was just amused by my stupidity.

"Right," I nodded despite not knowing what any of that meant for me. I was starting to get hopeful – maybe they'll let me meet the band out of pity? "And what's going to happen now?"

The security guys exchanged confused looks. It took them a few seconds to respond to my inquiry.

"To be honest, we have no clue. You're the first fan to almost freeze to death in front of this place."

"Maybe the venue manager will be able to tell ya more?"

"Yeah, the manager's office s right there," one of them gestured towards a corridor behind big black doors. "She probably won't be there yet, but her assistant will. Just tell him what's going on and he'll sort you out. Third door on the left," he said, and immediately turned away from me to talk to his colleague. That was them done with me. Fantastic.

I gathered all the courage I could find inside myself and stepped into the corridor. The third door on the left, that's weird. All the doors were on the right and some of them were half-open. I heard some people talking really loudly and then laughing. 'Is this where the band members are?' I wondered. I have to admit, it was very tempting to peer into one of them, but which one? There were so many of them! I decided to go one by one, and I went further down the corridor with my ear pressed against the wall, not being aware of my surroundings.

Suddenly, the door further along the corridor opened, almost knocking me off my feet. For the first few seconds, my eyes were unable to focus on the details of the two people who just left the room. I stood there like a rabbit illuminated by the flashlights of a passing car, hearing their voices but not being able to identify any of them. Then my eyes started working properly again, and I couldn't believe what I saw. Two of my favourite musicians, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, were walking towards me. They were too caught up in their conversation to notice me standing in front of them. But then Jimmy shifted his gaze from Robert to the place where I was standing, quickly followed by Robert. He pierced my soul with his ice-blue eyes, and then gave me one of his beautiful smiles.

"Oh, hello beautiful. How come I haven't seen you here before?"

I couldn't stop looking at him – he was so handsome, with his long, untamed hair looking like a waterfall of solid gold. I was admiring all his features and didn't pay any attention to Jimmy smirking at me.

"The concert... too cold outside... the manager..." I mumbled with a shaky voice. My cheeks were on fire and Robert was still looking at me. I couldn't bear the embarrassment – I had to look down on my shoes. I could literally see my knees trembling.

"Glad they let you inside and didn't leave you standing out there on the cold. See you at the gig tonight then, right?" his warm words wrapped around me like a tight embrace. I nodded and looked up for a second, to which he replied with another smile. Then they both walked away and entered a room further down the corridor.

I was left speechless. Did I just make an idiot of myself in front of my two favourite musicians?


I can consider myself really lucky. The manager's assistant was an incredibly kind guy, and when I told him my story (well, the one the security guys told me), he made me a huge cup of hot black tea.

"That'll get you back on your feet," he smiled and proceeded to make a cuppa for himself.

"I always make it to the musicians playing here, and the concerts are always extraordinary," he winked at me.

"But you haven't had Led Zeppelin here before, have you?" I asked, knowing the answer too well.

"Nah, this is the first time. Quite exciting, eh?"

"Very," I nodded frantically. Then I gulped loudly and decided to try my luck.

"And about the band... Do you think it would be possible for me to meet them? You know, I was the first one standing in front of the venue, and I almost froze outside..." I asked hopefully, but his sad look revealed the answer even before he said it out loud.

"I'm afraid not, love. I'd love for you to meet them, but we're not allowed to do that. Plus they've got to rehearse for the gig."

More like drink and get high, I thought spitefully, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"But there's one thing I can do for you. Since you were the first fan to arrive, you deserve to get a place in the first row. How about that?"

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