Part 3: The Party

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 The day of the party finally arrived. Masara and Kokoro arrived at the Coordinator Shop early in the afternoon to begin setting up. Momoko was already there, looking frazzled. She launched into speech as soon as she saw them.

 "All of the food is ready and being chilled in the fridge. I made labels for everything; DO NOT eat the food with red labels. It won't do any lasting damage, but I can't have either of you out of commission tonight. I tried to keep Mitama away from the kitchen as much as possible, but she insisted on contributing something. 

 "Speaking of Mitama, she and I are heading out in a minute to pick up the Christmas tree. While we're gone, it would be great if you two could put up the decorations." 

 Momoko began pulling on her coat and boots, still talking. "We shouldn't be gone for more than an hour, but if for some reason we aren't back by 4:45 I'll need you to begin setting out the food. The guests will be starting to arrive at 5:00. Twenty-three people said they'll be coming, but expect a few extras." She finished pulling on her mittens, looking at Masara and Kokoro. "Are you two good with all that?"

 "Yes," Kokoro replied. Her voice wavered, but she stood confidently. "We'll make sure everything gets done."

 Momoko smiled. "Thank you. You're a big help." 

 As if on cue, Mitama waltzed in. "I'm ready, Momoko!" she trilled. 


 When the door closed behind them, Kokoro and Masara stood in silence for a moment. 

 "I don't know how much Momoko thinks we're helping her," Masara said. "She's already done most of the work."

 "Maybe she just hates decorating," Kokoro replied with a laugh. She went over to the pile of shopping bags on the floor and began pulling out decorations.

 "I'm impressed, though," she continued. "Momoko always struck me as pretty laid-back. I had no idea she was so meticulous."

 Masara joined her, spreading out garlands on the long main table (that Momoko had already set with a tablecloth). 

 "I really hope we can pull this off," Kokoro said. She worried at a bow on one of the garlands. "I don't want to let anyone down."

 "I'm sure it will be alright," Masara replied. "We've done everything we can to prepare; there's no point in worrying about it now." 

 "I suppose so," Kokoro said. 

 The next few hours were a blur. Kokoro and Masara hung garlands and wreaths, and strung lights all around the room. When Mitama and Momoko returned with the tree, the space was almost unrecognizable.

 "Wow," Momoko said. "You two did a great job!" Mitama nodded in agreement.

 "Thank you," Kokoro replied. She sounded relieved.

 Suddenly Mitama clapped her hands. "I have a special surprise for you girls!" She pulled a shopping bag out from behind a nearby chair and triumphantly held up the contents.

 "Elf costumes?" Momoko raised an eyebrow.

 "Aren't they adorable? I got one for each of you to wear tonight! And I have a Santa outfit for myself, so we'll all match." Mitama beamed.

 Kokoro picked up one of the dresses, holding it up to herself. 

 "I don't know, Mitama, these look kind of short. Are you sure they'll be practical?"

Masara's Merry Christmas: A Magia Record FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now