First Impressions

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Agatha's POV:

She couldn't breathe; she couldn't see and she had absolutely no idea which way was up. Agatha tumbled down, down, past the damp grey clouds and through the thick misty air, dumped ungraciously as she was from the stymph's bony talons. Consequently, Agatha made her arrival to School for Evil, by tumbling headfirst into a repulsive brown moat.
She gasped, desperate for air that didn't seem to exist in the murky underworld of which she had been plunged, but after no small amount of effort, Agatha finally managed to force her head out of the swampy waters, gulping down oxygen like it was the sweetest of scents.


Now she would be sopping wet for when she ventured out to rescue Sophie. Unfortunately, before she had time to come up with a plan, something small, damp, and extremely dirty crashed into her from above. Agatha was once more submerged into the  pungent water.
When they  both finally managed to  resurface, the object turned to her - revealing itself to actually be a scrawny boy, who looked her up and down promptly, without a semblance of shame.
"Well you are definitely meant to be here!" He crowed.
Agatha didn't know if she should be flattered or disgusted, so she just decided to leave, as she usually did when conversations bored her. This weasel-like boy shouldn't be encouraged, if she was planning on leaving anytime soon - he seemed the clingy type.

"I have to go,"

With that, Agatha swam off towards the distant shore.

"OKAY, SEE YOU LATER - MY NAME'S HORT BY THE WAY, IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING!" He yelled from behind her, voice cracking with pre-adolescent hormones.

Definitely clingy.

Now, Agatha thought, all she needed to do was get to the School for Good, find Sophie, and persuade her to come back home with her - where she could be happy. She could even fall in love with a normal village boy if she wanted to, instead of some pompous prince who strode around with his chest puffed out, nearly tripping over his own feet because he was too busy checking his reflection in any nearby reflective object.
Or even better, she thought, Sophie wouldn't fall in love at all - and it could be just the two of them, just as it was, before the Schoolmaster so cruelly disrupted their lives by stealing them away from everything they had ever known.

Right. She thought, so quite a lot to do then.

However, before she could further ponder her actions, a hand roughly grabbed her from above.

Sophie's POV:

Everything was so much better than Sophie could have dreamt.
Evergirls surrounded her, gossiping in hushed tones about dashing princes and the latest fashion trends, whilst Everboys were practically tripping over each other to catch a glimpse of them. Sophie was completely happy to ignore the outdated stereotypes in favour of an especially stereotypical prince who would whisk her away to his castle.
To make matters better, they were all admiring her - even the famed Beatrix was sneaking jealous looks at her dress and heels. The two had only met briefly, but Sophie could already tell that she was Beatrix's superior in every way.

Sophie had definitely been right, it was her destiny to attend the school.

Glancing at a nearby clock, enchanted to sing soothing lullabies on the hour, Sophie observed that it was already time for her first class. Apparently, Kiko had told her, the teachers wanted to initiate them into school life as early as possible, in order to "maximise potential". She was thus headed for an early class of animal communication - taught by a woman named Princess Uma.
Sophie couldn't hardly wait to meet her new animal friends! Maybe she would find an adoring squirrel, or perhaps a defenceless sparrow, either way, she decided, it would be equally as admirable and as pure as her.
As she was on her way, Sophie gazed about the grandeur of her new home, fully embracing her future life, and all the joys it was sure to bring. But then something interrupted her by catching her eye. There was something curious about the ominous tower that loomed halfway between the two schools. It only had one window, raised high, so high that it was barely a smudge in the distance to Sophie, who was stood on the ground. However, it wasn't so far, that she couldn't see the faint silhouette of a man, stood, looking directly at her. Sophie didn't know how she could ascertain such a specific detail, from so great a distance, but she just knew. She could feel his eyes burning into her, sending shivers down her spine, although the air was still warm.

Sophie rubbed at her eyes too get a better view, but when she looked again, the shadow was gone.

"Hey.. Kiko?" Sophie muttered, still not taking her eyes off of the tower. "Who lives there?"

"Oh, the Schoolmaster, you know - he like.." she trailed off, trying to find the right words. "He like, is the master... of the schools."

"Thanks Kiko,"
Sophie stopped inquiring, assuming correctly that poor Kiko wasn't the brightest star in the sky.

Confused, Sophie wracked her brain for any possible reasons the Schoolmaster had to watch her - out of all the students in both schools. I mean, sure, she was beautiful and charming and graceful, but even she had not expected to catch the attention of so important a figure so soon into her education. Sophie could not fathom any suitable answers, so she finally settled with the assumption that he had not, in fact, been looking for her - she must have just caught his eye in passing.

Sophie, however, did not know just how incorrect she was, and as both she and Agatha journeyed into the unknowns of their new lives, neither stopped to contemplate the fact that there might actually have been,
a huge mistake.

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