Chapter 9: The Anchor

Start from the beginning

Chris "Hey Jason we're gonna need you to get supplies"

Jason "Sure ok then"

Warren had thrown Jason a list, after breakfast Jason was on his way to get what he needed.

Jason "Alright let's see here, beer obviously for Chris, some sandwiches, doughnuts, pizza and..... Low fat yogurt.... Is that for Warren?"

While Jason was walking along the street, he wasn't looking where he was going and accidentally bumped into a girl.

Jason "Oh I'm sorry!"

The girl had dropped all her belongings, Jason then helped her pick them all up, The girl was in her late teens, beautiful, thin and had light skin, her hair was shoulder-length and black styled in a flip, she also had purple eyes which stared into Jason's once she got up.

Girl "It's fine don't worry"

Jason had given her last belonging back which was a Camera, an expensive one at that.

Jason "This is a pretty nice camera"

Girl "Thanks, it helps with my photography!"

Jason "Your a photographer?"

Girl "Yup"

She held out a business card with her name and age on it, her name was Violet Green and she was 19.

Violet "My name is Violet, I do a variety of different photography jobs."

Jason "I'm sure your pretty good, I'm Jason Tate by the way"

Violet gave a warm smile at him.

Violet "It's nice to meet you Jason."

She then checked her phone and realised she was running late.

Violet "Shoot I gotta dash! Anyways it was nice meeting you today! I hope we can meet again soon!"

She then ran off and gave a goodbye wave to Jason, He then stood there and smiled back at her.

A few minutes later Jason had arrived back at the dorm.

Chris "All right! Let's head out!"

Jason "It's time already!?"

Chris "Yup! Let's go!"

And with that Jason, Chris and Warren left the dorm and towards the location, the location was outside another warehouse, all 3 of them stayed inside the car.

Chris had now brought out all the snacks.

Chris "Alright boys let's dig in!"

All 3 of them help themselves to some snacks, Jason looked at Warren snacking on his low fat yogurt and couldn't help but laugh.

Warren "So what are you gonna do about Gwen?"

Chris "I have nothing to say about Gwen"

Jason looked over at Chris.

Jason "How did you and Gwen meet anyways?"

Warren "Oh boy here we go!"

Chris "Well it all started when I joined Mirandas team 3 years ago, she had asked me to meet her at her apartment, I thought it was a little weird at first but as I got there I saw why, when I knocked on the door Gwen had opened it, and let me tell you she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen! I told her I came to see Miranda so she let me in and Miranda was there on the couch, she told me that she had to go out somewhere and that she thought me and Gwen should hang out together, before we could both say anything Miranda had left us, it was really awkward for both of us but after a few minutes I got her to crack and we started talking, she was the funniest girl I had ever met, she understood me and unlike most girls I  felt like I could tell her anything, a few days later we started dating"

Jason "And why did you break up?"

Chris "2 months ago she started talking about marriage and having children, and I got scared and overwhelmed, it was too much for me to handle I guess, looking back I know I made a mistake"

Jason had a long think to himself, he then came out with his answer.

Jason "Perhaps it's best that you two stay apart from one another"

Chris "You really think so?"

Jason continued on

Jason "Think about it, you guys broke up for a reason right, what's to guarantee you'll be able to make it work this time?"

Chris "Yeah.... you're right man"

Warren "Guys look!"

Jason and Chris looked to where Warren was pointing, the leader of the dragon tail gang was talking to a tall blonde woman in a suit.

Chris "No way!"

Warren "Is that.... Taylor Amaggio?"

Jason "Quick take some pictures"

Warren quickly took out his phone and snapped a couple of pictures.

Jason "Alright now let's get outta here!"

Chris didn't need to be told twice as he had now had his foot on the gas pedal and they sped off.

Back at the dormitory

Warren "Alright Miranda we've got a few pictures, I'll deliver them to you in a bit"

Miranda "That's great, good job everyone!"

It was now nearing midnight, Miranda and Gwen were sitting on the couch reading while Kelly had fallen asleep on the arm chair.

Jason "You know what you need to do"

Chris "Yeah, your right, hey could you take Kelly to her room, I don't want to wake her up"

Jason nodded and picked up Kelly in his arms to take to her room.

Gwen "What's this about?"

Chris "I just uh.... I need to apologise for earlier, I was out of line"

Gwen "No, it's ok.... I should apologise as well.... it was uncalled for"

Chris "Yeah... well.... have a good night"

Gwen "Yeah"

Chris awkwardly walked to his room, Jason had now returned from dropping Kelly off and sat down next to Gwen.

Jason "You good?"

Gwen "Yeah... its just.... its nothing"

Jason could see that Gwen was tearing up a little, so he decided to put his arm around her.

Gwen "So... that 'Date' We had was pretty fun wasn't it?"

Jason "Yeah... it was"

Gwen "Heh.... yunno... I wouldn't mind... doing more with you?"

Jason "Wait.... are you saying you want to be my-"

Gwen "How about.... more than friends... less than lovers... at least at this moment"

Jason chuckled.

Jason "Sure... I wouldn't mind that"

Gwen smiled sweetly

Gwen "Thank you.... you're wonderful yunno that?"

Gwen gave Jason a hug and the two embraced

Miranda watched


Taylor "That Dragon Tail leader was most useful in supplying us with what we need"

Rich Guy "So your saying we have it now?"

Taylor "Exactly, now we can begin preparations!"

To Be Continued

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