Part 5

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The whole team left the stadium and got into the bus. They did a good job hiding Mahi from the paparazzi present outside the stadium when they boarded the bus, not wanting Mahi bhai to face the stinging questions of the paparazzi. So they surrounded him and hid him quite well from the paparazzi as they all quickly boarded the bus. Mahi Bhai as always took the last seat of the bus and Virat followed him and sat next to him. In short, Virat was sticking to him like a leech not wanting Mahi to be alone or out of his sight even for a moment. All the other settled down and the bus left towards the hotel.

Mahi looked at Virat, who looked tired after the match. He didn't say anything just kept Virat's head on his shoulder and gestured him to close his eyes. Virat smiled and did the same. He rested like that through the entire journey to the hotel.

All of them went to freshen up after they reached their hotel. Virat went his room, freshened up as quickly as possible and went to Mahi's room, where he saw Mahi bhai staring at his phone and probably Yuvi Paa was in the washroom. Virat peeked into his phone from behind and the next second he wanted to bang his head somewhere. The person who always told everyone to not give ear to trolls and media articles was going through the same right now. Can anyone tell Mahi bhai to practice what he preaches. 

Virat went in front of him and snatched his phone. "If I find you going through all these nonsense one more time, I swear I'll break your phone, Mahi bhai. I'm keeping your phone with me from now on", said Virat sternly. 

Yuvi came out of the washroom and saw Virat glaring at Mahi and Mahi looking like a kid caught stealing candy. "What happened?", he couldn't help but ask. 

"Ask him", said Virat still glaring. "He was reading all this", Virat continued as he thrust the phone in front of Yuvi's face. 

"Why are you hell bent on getting yourself beaten up by me, Mahi?", said Yuvi, irritated. "You are the one who gave long lectures to your kids to stay away from the nonsense of media and now you are doing the same thing?"

"Sorry, but I couldn't help it", said Mahi meekly. Virat and Yuvi sighed and sat beside Mahi on the either sides and hugged him tight. 

"It's okay, Bhai. It's okay. We are with you in this. You just listen to us", said Virat and Mahi nodded and hugged him back.

Suddenly, Virat's phone pinged. He broke the hug and checked his phone and saw Dada's mail on his personal email id. He at once understood that these are the evidences Dada was talking about. He had forgot to inform the team about what Dada had said. Only Rohit knew about it and he was nowhere in sight. He threw Yuvi a known look and messaged in the team WhatsApp group for everyone to gather in Mahi Bhai's room. After a few messages of "okay" and "coming", all of the team members actually started coming and surprisingly, very surprisingly, Rohit also reached there without anyone calling him separately.

When everyone had arrived and settled down (a big task in itself), Virat started his narration of "what Dada said" with Rohit piping in a thing or two. Till the time they finished their narration, all the people present in the room seemed to be breathing fire and Jaddu looked like he would kill them with his sword, right now. Well, if Virat believed Jad's expressions it was just that. And Yuvi? He was muttering such curses that the censor board will faint if they heard those. 

Not only Jaddu and Yuvi, but all of the rest of team, even Bhuvi and Jinks, seemed to be burning in such a fire of anger, that can burn the entire world into ashes. They will not burn the world, but they will burn those good-for-nothing idiots Mehta and Sanjay, that is sure. Yes, they will. 

"Those bastards, how dare they....", said Yuvi, in a dangerous low voice.

"I'll kill that man when I meet him next", said Shikhar.

"I'll help", said Harry, with absolute seriousness, no sarcasm in his voice. One by one everyone agreed to help, even Bhuvi. The same Bhuvi who can't even hurt an ant was agreeing to murder someone. Virat couldn't believe his eyes or ears at this fact. He turned towards Jinks whose eyes carried an even more deadly look like he was planning something even more dangerous to do with those filthy bastards.

"Guys guys, Calm down. We can't take any steps in anger. We have act wisely or else we will play right into their hands", said Virat trying to calm everyone down.

"Yes, Vi is right. They have played a very dirty game, and made everyone believe in it. If we don't act wisely we might lose our only chance catching them red-handed", said Rohit. To be honest both Virat and Rohit themselves were feeling like active volcanoes, but they were reserving all their lava for one Manjrekar and Mehta. And right now where trying to be the ice bags to calm their teammates, who looked like they are out for blood.

Virat then turned towards Mahi, who looked blank and lost. Virat went to Mahi and knelt down in front of him. He took Mahi's hands in his, which broke his trance. "Don't worry a bit, Mahi bhai. I promise we will prove you innocent. Your Cheeku would not rest until the truth is out", said Virat softly, rubbing Mahi's knuckles with his thumbs to calm him. 

"Yes Mahi bhai. Now that we have a lead, we will find the entire truth", said Rohit placing a hand on Mahi's shoulder. 

"Now come on, Mahi. Let's go to the terrace", said Yuvi, merrily throwing an arm around Mahi and dragging him out, not letting him reply as he winked at Virat. Virat grinned back. He can now work in peace and let Mahi bhai be in the safe company of his best friend.

He at once grabbed his laptop and sat down to work as all the other settled around him, ready to help in any way they can. He had to find the real photos and recordings as soon as possible. He had to do some research and formulate a full proof plan. He won't let those miscreants have it their way again. And with the help of his brothers, he was sure they will be successful. 

On the other hand, Yuvi and Mahi had reached the terrace and they sat there chatting and enjoying each other's company. Well, Yuvi was doing most of the talking while Mahi added a word or two. But Mahi still looked down. So Yuvi said seriously, "Mahi yaar, Don't worry. Everything will be fine"

"I don't know, Yuvi. I don't know how...", started Mahi miserably.

"Don't you have trust on your Cheeku?", said Yuvi, cutting him off.

"Of course, I have. I trust him more than myself", said Mahi hastily. How can he not trust his Cheeku. 

"Then why are you not believing him when he is saying he will make everything fine? If you always remain sad like this think how would he feel. He will blame himself that he was not able to make you happy", said Yuvi. 

Mahi didn't say anything and started staring at the starry night sky. He knew Yuvi was right. But he didn't know why he was not able to feel happy about anything. 

Yuvi looked at Mahi's face and sighed. He just hoped against hope that this incident doesn't break Mahi beyond repair. 


Phew!!! Here's the fifth part. Tell me how it was??

I was so exhausted with Physics that I thought of taking a break and write the fifth chapter because: 1. My mind gets relaxed when I write and 2. Someone messaged me saying "IT'S BEEN A WEEK SINCE YOU UPDATED" and then I was like a week is a long time and I should update so here it is. Also sorry for the delay.


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