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Third Person's POV
Time: The Next Day

Last Night's dinner went smoothly, you also asked your Gramps if you can watch them practice since Your brother was the one picking you up and since he's already 1st year collage he's school ends a little late plus he has basketball practice. He agreed saying 'Maybe you can help them train' you play volleyball and you were pretty good at it but you more into Archery so your aiming was always at track.

Your dad suggested that maybe those will be a good time to try and write songs saying 'I'm sure they won't get that much distracted, Right dad?' Which Nekomata agreed to.

So currently you were now on your classroom drawing on your sketch book since your teachers suddenly had a meeting so you were all free for the 3rd and forth period.

And currently it was 10 minutes since the 3rd period started, some students took this time to sleep, go around the school, the cafeteria some went to their clubs.

Only a few of yoy were left in the classroom, each one had their own lives some were chatting, studying, some were on their phone. Your seatmate, Sayuri was not here since's she's in the newspaper club and they had a meeting since the golden week was coming up. So you were guessing their topic will be on Sport, it's quite obvious tho.

Your bored af, you literally drew your classmates on your sketch book, so you decided to go to the cafeteria and buy something to eat since you were feeling hungry you decided to go to the cafeteria.

*At the Cafeteria*

When you arrived at the Cafeteria ypu immediately went over to the counter to buy some (Fav. Snack) and (fav. Drink), paying the cashier as she gave you your order you immediately a went off to find an unoccupied table, luckily you happened to see one, since the Cafeteria was quite full since all levels have a free period.

Taking a seat you took out you brouggt out your airpods from your pocket.

Taking a seat you took out you brouggt out your airpods from your pocket

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Putting the devoce on your ears you played your favorite playlist before taking out your Switch

Putting the devoce on your ears you played your favorite playlist before taking out your Switch

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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