Part 2 -jake-

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It was now 6: 55 am. The wind chimes were clanking as the wind hit them. Debree and autumn leaves were floating in the sky. Fire was surrounding the horizon skyline. A young boy sits on his porch asleep. With a 'refuse to sink' hoodie on. His fine dark brown hair kept falling into his face. His name is Jake Patterson. A 18 year old boy that is quite silent..well sometimes... His ear buds were in and the cord was hanging out of his pocket. Possibly on high. ZINGG!! New notifications: war coming into seattle in about a hour stay home. Jake got startled "AGH!" He ripped out his ear buds and looked at his phone with one hand on his right ear. "Shit. I have a report due today..ugh.." He shoved his phone back into his pocket and got off the ground. Just as he opened his front door, he heard a window shatter. He grabbed his gun that was hanging around his waist. Walked inside quitely and used his reflexes. As quickly as possible.

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