Chapter 6

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Should I tell him?

Jaypaw's thought's whirled, still going after they left the SilverTree. As she padded into camp after Sunwatcher from the meeting, she was still thinking about the prophecy that Drizzleheart had given her. She wanted to tell someone, to get it our of her mind, but she didn't know who. She had never heard of an apprentice getting a prophecy- it almost never happened. At least, not that ShadeClan had heard of.

"Jaypaw! Hey, Jaypaw!!" Hazelkit's mew arose from the nursery. Hazelkit scrambled out, followed by Frostkit and Robinkit. The kits were getting quite big.

"Hey, Hazelkit." said Jaypaw, sitting down with a sigh. She almost wished to be one of them again, being carefree and having no responsibility. But she did love being an apprentice.

"You're a true medicine cat apprentice now!" Robinkit squealed. 

Frostkit bounced around her, her white pelt flashing in Jaypaw's vision."You don't play with us anymore, Jaypaw." she said sadly.

Jaypaw felt guilty- these kits had been her best friends not long ago. She got a sudden idea. "Have you kits ever played tag?" she asked. 

"No." Frostkit tipped her head to one side. "What's tag?"

"It's a game." Jaypaw said, smiling as she remembered her fun game with Streamspirit. "The game begins with one cat who is it, and when they touch another cat, that cat is it. You try not to be it, and when you are it, you tag someone, and so forth. It's pretty fun, as long as you're fast!" 

Jaypaw glowed a little when she saw the kits' excited looks. "I'll be it, and I'll count to three to let you kits run away and get a head start!" said Jaypaw. The kits squealed and ran away.

"One", Frostkit gave an excited bounce and ran farther across the camp. 

"Two", Robinkit yelped and ran after Frostkit. 

"Three!" Jaypaw dashed over to Hazelkit, who squeaked and pelted in the opposite direction.

Jaypaw reached out and cuffed Hazelkit's tail gently. She turned and scrambled in the opposite direction, almost running into Frostkit and Robinkit, who yelped and bolted away.

Jaypaw heard someone call her name. "Jaypaw! Come over here!" It was Sunwatcher. 

Jaypaw padded over to him, her head low. "Jaypaw. You're not a kit anymore. You have to pay more attention to your duties. They matter a lot, more than an ordinary apprentice." 

"I'm sorry. I just haven't played with the kits in so long, and we used to be good friends." 

"You can play with the kits. Just not now." 

Jaypaw's looked up from the ground. "Okay."

"We need to discuss your meeting with StarClan." Sunwatcher sat down. "Did they tell you anything important?"

Oh, no- He won't believe me. I'm just an apprentice. I shouldn't get prophecies before I'm made into a full medicine cat, I bet. Maybe it was just a bad dream. Maybe I'm just fooling myself.

But should I tell him? Someone should know. 

No. He won't believe me. Maybe he'll make me stop being a medicine cat apprentice, if I'm not normal and I'm getting prophecies too soon. If it gets serious, I'll tell him about the prophecy and Darkspirit. I'll tell him about Drizzleheart, though. She'd want him to know. 

"A cat named Drizzleheart came into my dreams." Jaypaw saw a flicker of recognition and sadness in Sunwatcher's eyes. "She said StarClan accepted me as a medicine cat. She said she was your-"

"Mentor." Sunwatcher's eyes glimmered. "Yes, Drizzleheart was my mentor- I couldn't have wished for a better one. She was kind and wise...a fantastic medicine cat." he drifted off. "Jaypaw, could you re-dress Thunderheart's wound please? I...I need some time to think. I'm going to gather herbs." and with that, Sunwatcher swept out of the den, the faraway look still in his eyes. Drizzleheart had clearly meant a lot to him- and if his admiration for her was anything close to the amount that Jaypaw respected him, she understood why he missed her. 

She would miss him too.

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