13. Giving in

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"Now that you're here, Hermione mentioned you wanted to talk to me?" Spencer asked. 

"Yeah I- uhm" Harry said startled, not sure he wanted to talk to her about it anymore. 

"No judgment here kid" she said. 

"Well, Hermione and Ron mentioned something about a lake on the grounds. They were planning on swimming there in the spring and... I can swim- I mean kind of. It's not really swimming" Harry said as he looked at his feet. '" remember Fred saying something about you guys hanging out at a lake and swimming and stuff and I was wondering if you could teach me? I know it's cold out and-" Harry spoke at a fast pace.

She was taken aback. Had he not known what happened last time I went in, she asked herself. Had the twins not told anyone?

She couldn't say no to Harry, she just couldn't.

"Hey it's- calm down and breathe" she said laughingly. 

"I'll find a spell so I can warm a section of the lake and we can go practice" she smiled. 

Harry looked up at her and smiled back. 

"Really Spence? Thank you" he said as he moved in for a hug. 

"It's no biggie" she replied as she embraced the boy in the hug.

"Do you have swim trunks?"

"No but I'll get some-"

"Don't worry about it, I'll get some for you and we can meet Sunday at the lake?" Spencer cut in. 

"You don't need to-"

"It's fine... now, Sunday?" she asked. 

"Sunday' Harry nodded. "Cool."

He moved to hug her again and pulled back when Remus spoke, "Harry, you'll be late for your next class if you don't leave now. Spencer comes with me but you have no excuse."

He nodded and left the classroom.

Remus turned to look Spencer, with a sad expression on his face. She rolled her eyes.

She walked towards the door which Remus got in front of. 

He looked her in the eye hoping for anything, a word even, but nothing. 

She looked around his classroom waiting for him to open the door for them. 

So he did, he opened the door for her and she walked to their next class. 

He walked just behind her. Taking in the smell of her coconut shampoo.

However, she stopped walking as she saw Jack make his way towards them.

She stopped and he could see her right leg shake slightly. 

She began walking faster than usual, hiding behind people. 

"Spencer-" Remus said as she kept walking. "Spencer-" he said almost out of breath. He couldn't catch up with her.

Jack noticed she was hiding but decided against anything since there were teachers in the halls. 

He just grinned, something Remus noticed. 

He continued to walk to his classroom and hoped that Spencer hadn't decided to skip. 

She didn't, she was, again, in the back of the classroom looking over the lesson structure. He decided against asking anything. 

She was mad and asking might even set her more off, he thought to himself.

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