Tired of trying to puzzle it out on my own, I went down to the main deck to see Caspian walking towards me with a towel around his neck and his arm around the shoulder of someone. My eyes went to this newcomer, and time slowed around me. That hazel hair, those dark eyes, that bright unabashed smile. Lucy. 

As they came closer, my mind was going a million miles a minute. I wanted to sprint to her and crush her in a huge hug. I wanted to hit her for leaving in the first place even though I knew it wasn't her fault. I wanted to ask the seemingly endless questions that were now swarming in my brain like "How are you here?" and "How are Peter and Susan" but most importantly "Are you here alone?" 

Instead, I pushed that all aside and went to her and we hugged each other while laughing, my eyes tearing up because I couldn't quite believe that she was here. She was here, on this ship, in front of me. I had proof in the wet spots that now dotted my clothes were her wet clothes had touched mine.

"It's so good to see you again Cat," she smiled at me and I returned it with equal measure.

"Same here. You have no idea how much I've missed you." Lucy raised her eyebrow and smirked at me. 

"Was it me you missed? Or someone else?" I looked at her confused. 

"What do you mean? Of course I mis..." My words died in my throat when I glanced over her shoulder and saw him walking towards us. 

Edmund. They guy who had captured my heart since I'd first seen him in those Narnian woods all those years ago. Who had been on my mind every single day since he'd left and a piece of my heart had left with him. 

For a moment, I almost didn't believe my eyes. It was like my brain couldn't process that he was standing in front of me with an adorable look on his face. Then before I even realized it I was running at him, sprinting actually, as fast as my legs could take me. I flung my arms out and crashed into him sending both of us to the deck, much to the amusement of the rest of the crew who I could hear laughing at us. 

Our faces were mere inches away and I could feel his breath on my face. That itself almost made me start balling like a child. The fact that I could feel his breath on me of all things. But it was because it meant that he was here, alive, in front of me. Or, more like under me. 

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," he whispered, one of his hands brushing my cheek where my scar was. 

"Ditto," I smiled, my grin so wide it was threatening to split my face. 

"Alright, someone help them up before they start snogging," I heard one of the crew members exclaim and instantly my face went fire red. As the two of us got to our feet, I hear Caspian ask Lucy how they'd ended up in front of our ship which was great, because I was seriously wondering that myself. 

"I have no idea," Lucy answered. 

"Well," I thought. "Anticlimactic but predictable." While normally it would seem extremely odd that two people had just suddenly appeared in the middle of the ocean, these were the Pevensie siblings. Before, Edmund had told me that the first time they'd come to Narnia had been through a wardrobe of all things, so for them to appear in the middle of the sea didn't seem so far fetched. 

Once Ed and I got to our feet, Caspian and Edmund greeted each other as Cas put his towel around Edmund's shoulders. 

"Didn't you call for us?" Lucy asked. Caspian and I shared a quick look of confusion before turning back to Lucy. 

"No, not this time," Cas answered. 

"Well, whatever the case I'm just glad to be here," Edmund said while glancing at me. 

The Voyage - Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now