Chapter 22

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A/N: I posted this chapter quickly. I just wanted to get it out before I ended up changing it again (I've rewritten it 3 times)! Chapter warnings for this one: manipulation, self-loathing, Vader being a Bad Bro™️


Then (11 BBY)

Day 1

Azel pounds her hands against the steel door until they're bloodied and her voice is raw from yelling. The Force-suppressing collar is an added weight around her neck as if she wasn't already carrying the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders.

Her connection to the Force is cut-off. She feels physically weaker for it, but that intuitive connection to the living Force hardly feels any different than before, as if she cut herself off a long time ago without meaning to.

How did she manage that? She still had the Force around her, still used it, but she felt disconnected from it. Yeah, disconnected, that's the best way to describe it.

Except now she can't call upon it when she wants to.

She tried removing it several times only for it to shock her hands. She kept trying this until her fingers went numb. That's when she started pounding on the door... over two hours ago.

She continued on this vicious cycle until exhaustion took over and she passed out.

Day 2

Food is left for her when she wakes in the morning (at least she thinks it's morning), but she doesn't see who brings it in. Gauze and some bacta spray are left on the tray as well. Azel huffs. He doesn't want her dead. She knows this game, she's watched the rebels play it with spies they've caught. Torture, heal, torture some more. Vader needs her, and she knows he wants information.

She won't give it to him.

She glares at the items and ignores the roar in her stomach and ache on her knuckles.

He won't win.

Day 3

A stormtrooper comes in twice a day, each time with a new tray of food and water. Azel watches his movements, eyes what weapons he has on him, and checks how many are outside the door.

She makes a plan.

Day 4

When the stormtrooper arrives that evening, she has the tray in her hands and whacks him across the head with it. He stumbles and she runs for the door. In the hallway, Azel is greeted by two more stormtroopers and an officer. She disarms one trooper, but that's as far as she gets. She is so weak after not eating or drinking anything that they manage to knock her off balance and cuff her hands.

In under three minutes, she is thrown back in her cell and staring at another fresh tray of food.

Day 5

She finds herself sleeping more due to a lack of nutrition. The only reason she considers eating is because of Obi-Wan. Someone has to save him and someone has to protect Arrin and Han.

Four troopers enter the cell to bring in the food tray, two elite troopers stand outside the door with electrocution wands. She eyes them wearily. Those are nothing like the little zaps she gets from prying at the collar, the wands will send you to the floor convulsing until your limbs are too weak to move on their own.

Once they're gone, she stares at the food longingly. Her friends wouldn't want her to do this. They would want her healthy, no matter what's to come. Arrin, Han, and Obi-Wan would never let her give up so easily. Starving herself won't save any of them.

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