Chapter 1: I Confess

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Today is our graduation day. And I'm a valedictorian. I'm so thankful for being the first. At the moment, I'm sitting along with my classmates. We're in the building of the scool. And I stood up and walked towards the podium to give a speech. I'm graduating high school and soon a college.

"I would like to thank my parents for being always there for me. And also my teachers who risks their lives just to teach us properly educated,"

"And my high school life ends here. So I'd like to say some sort of things on every people I socialized with,"

"I've been called nerd and geek for a few years due to my academics and circumstances,"

"First of all, I'm confessing my feelings for this boy-- who's popular, very hot and really appeals me-- I know this was weird but I'm going to tell the truth, anyways it's our last day here. And that is Zachary Gordon." The crowd shocked as long as my parents and their eyes looked all at Zach and he had this unbelievable expression.

"Bianca. I know you two are in a relationship. But I'm sorry if your boy does really have a perfect face that I got attracted to." I said in a sarcastic tone and she looked at me with that anger in her eyes.

"Ana, who always bully me, I already know why you're such a bully. Because your mother always scold and hit you. That's why you're doing it the same way to me. Nilalabas mo ang galit mo sakin. How rude was that? But it's our last day here, so I'm forgiving you, from what you've done." Ana gave me that look who wants to kill me right now.

"And Renee, my only friend and best friend. Thanks for being a good one. And I already know you are. You're a lesbian dude. Admit it and be proud because that's what you are." I smiled at her and she got her jaw dropped.

"Thank you for all the memories we shared. To the amazing people I met-- as well as you, Zach," I pointed out. "I really did a great job here-- to be a valedictorian of this class-- and I know that my parents are so proud of me," I waved at my parents and they smiled.

"I know it's sad cos we're going to seperate and have our own ways. But that's how it used to be. We leave this building and create our future. Thank you very much."

* * *

I met my parents outside after the event. They hugged me and said that they're so proud of me. And I appreciated them.

"Dude. I'm not a lesbian." Renee said. I chuckled and shook my head.

"But I'm not." She insist.

"Fine." I surrender but I knew she was. We walked and I saw Ana, giving me the same look earlier. But I ignore her.

"Ana looks really angry to you." Renee said.

"I know. But I don't care." I said defensively.

I saw Zach, talking with his classmates. And I walk towards to him and leaving Renee behind. It's now my oppurtunity to talk to him.

"Hi. Umm...," I paused. "About earlier--

"I know. You want to apologise? I'll accept it." He cut me off and he take off his graduation gown. And his shirt and pants were left. Bianca came and she put her arms to his shoulders.

"Please don't make a mess, okay? I'll handle this." Zach said to Bianca. she leaved and gave me that irritating look. Great! Tch.

"You can come at my place for a party after graduation." I smiled.

"Hey, Zach!" His friends called out. They're in a car.

"I'll try." He forced a smile to me. And he walks out going inside the car with his friends.

"See you there!" I shouted while the car was moving out.

"What did you just said? Are you kidding?" Renee asked.

"Stop it you." I waved her off. "This will going to be the best day ever!" I shouted in awed. I hope he'd come.

I love you, Zachary GordonWhere stories live. Discover now