It's illegal to be this hot

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Jason: That's not appropriate for your age dude

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Jason: That's not appropriate for your age dude.

Pierce: Did I ask? No.

Vassia: I think he looks cute.

Pierce: Thank you, Vassia.

Vassia: Mhm!

Delilah: Um- woah- who are you-

Vassia: Hi, I'm Pierce's new friend.

Pierce: Yes yes, she is a woman of culture and I plan on protecting her with my life.

Vassia: Awww! Thank you!

Pierce: *nods his head*

Jason: Vassia is a Greek name, I believe

Vassia: Yeah, my parents are from Greek though I was born here.

Pierce: Her parents are cool.

Delilah: This is- uh- interesting-

Skye: Just don't fall for him Vassia, he's a taken man.

Vassia: Noted.

Skye: *pats her head* You seem like a good kid.

Pierce: *pushes their hand away* She is. All A's, best behavior, perfect attendance. She's pretty popular.

Vassia: You're more popular than I am. I mean. Look at you!

Pierce: I know, I find it flattering. Although I don't consider any one of those freaks my friends. They are far below my standards and quite frankly, I am way above their league.

Vassia: *giggles* Then I guess I'm lucky, huh?

Pierce: Yes. You are.

Jason: Well...I'm glad he actually has a friend.

Delilah: He hasn't had such a loyal friend since...third grade?

Skye: Second.

Delilah: Right.

Vassia: I've noticed you look a little like Piers from Pokemon

Pierce: That's the point.

Vassia: Ah! Duh!

Pierce: *smiles and tail starts wagging*

Delilah, Jason, & Skye: He's genuinely happy-?

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