The hospital

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Well now you know what happened when I first got there but I was in the hospital for 5 or something days I fell asleep a lot it could have been more so here's what happened.

I was hooked up to a machine that gives you oxygen because I was struggling to breathe or something I wasn't allowed much water so they could get my body working again or something I'm not 100% sure why I wasn't allowed to eat during the first 3 days because of this either.

They did my injections for me but they had to spray me with numbing spray otherwise I would refuse to take the injections.

Once I was off the machines (the heart monitor and oxygen machine yes I was also hooked up to a heart monitor I was just left with my iv's) they finally allowed me to eat and drink.

But once I had food in front of me I was so excited to finally eat because I was starving. I bit into the food and ate it but stopped after one bite because all I felt when I ate it was this piece of food dropping into a pit I call my stomach.

It was completely empty and eating hurt so much to the point where I refused to eat and they had to bribe me with prizes just to take my injections and eat.

On the 4th day I finally had the strength to walk around my aunt and parents came to visit and all I did was walk around everywhere to show them I could walk on my own again I was so excited I was so happy I was getting better.

But I got sick again I was actually sick in my bed so I had to go sit at the desk with the nice office lady's they made me toast asked about my teddy whilst another was changing my bed so I could go back to it. They were lovely and they were the ones who helped me survive and I thank them for that without them I wouldn't be where I am today.

At one point my big sister and cousin came to visit I was happy the tagged along to see me they made me laugh and my cousin even said "I'll stay here with you tonight budge over this is a cold bed" or something like that (he didn't stay with me 😂😂) my big sister ended up leaving her drink on accident but I was happy they came to visit.

I was even told they cried when they hear that I was in the hospital all my family did and it's sweet to know they may irritate me but they do care about me.

Then Friday came around I was told if I could give my parents the chance to give me an injection so I did then they told me if I could take out my iv's I could go home I was scared to do this but my mum told me to just rip the plasters holding them on off so I could go back home to my family so I did.

I got in the car and we headed home I was so happy I could go home back to where my family was but I realised everything was blurry and that's when I learnt how to focus and un-focus my eyes I think that's cool.

Getting off topic but we got home I went and put all my stuff away (people give sick people stuff) then there was a knock on my door and one of the teaching assistants from my school near me dropped of a card from my class. My parents gave it to me and I think I nearly cried.

I had to cover up my name and the names of my class mates but here's the card and I still have it to this day I just don't know where it is 😂

I had to cover up my name and the names of my class mates but here's the card and I still have it to this day I just don't know where it is 😂

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Anyway that's my time in the hospital it wasn't fun but I lived through it and I'm so glad I did

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