An arrow suddenly wizzes past my arm, bringing me back to the reality that my own friends are currently hunting me down. George is decent with a bow, so this was a warning shot. Meaning the next one might take if I don't pay attention to where it came from. It's hard to see in the rain as it starts to pour once more, which causes me to slip up. There's sudden pain in my shoulder as an arrow is embedded into the skin of my left shoulder. The same side I'd have used to raise my shield. Any slight movement sends waves of burning pain up into my shoulder, so I drop the shield altogether. It's useless if I can't even use it without grimacing in pain.

"Sorry 'bout that, (Y/N). Was trying to make sure I aimed for a non-lethal spot." I huff.

"Well you certainly succeeded, George." He comes out from the spot he was hiding from when he was taking his shots.

"To be fair, you normally have faster reflexes. After all, you stopped me from killing that kid earlier. You just seem to be off your game tonight." I glance down at the shield. It's unfortunate that I can't use it without being in pain now. George is right. If I had been paying better attention, I would have likely avoided his arrow. I sigh, it's no use worrying about what-ifs.

"I'll still be able to take you down even with one good arm and no shield, George." I state proudly. He chuckles.

"We'll see about that (Y/N). I'd like to see you actually beat me using only one arm. Tell you what, if you manage to knock me off balance even once with just your one arm, I'll let you continue on without going after you for ten minutes." He challenges. Depending on if Dream isn't waiting for me near L'Manburg's borders, that may just give me enough time to get far enough away. I smirk at the normally bespectacled boy.

"You're on." As soon as the words left my lips, George is upon me in an instant. George's swings are more meticulous and planned out then Sapnap's were. His were wild and random. It's what sometimes made fighting with him difficult and I knew that from the get-go. I had to end Sapnap's fight before it began otherwise I'd have potentially lost against him. George, on the other hand, takes after Dream in terms of fighting styles. Dream has a style that he's perfected and made his own over the years. He times and plans his attacks precisely, aiming to get the most out of his attacks. George is similar, however lacks the same preciseness that Dream has in his attacks, making it sometimes easy to dodge or avoid his attacks.

George swings first, taking advantage of the fact that I'm injured. He aims to attack my left side with my wounded shoulder. Our blades clang when they are smacked together as I block his attack with my own sword. George's eyes widen in shock for a moment before he smirks.

"I haven't seen anyone use that technique in forever. I didn't realize you learned it." He mentions, referring to my being able to block his strikes with my sword like you would a shield.

"I have to keep myself on my toes around you three. You're all constantly getting better, that I fear I'll be left behind and get rusty if I'm not constantly learning new techniques." I explain. George hums, taking my word for it. I took the initiative with my next strike, nearly achieving the result I wanted which would have been to knock George off balance like the deal suggested. He laughs, realizing I nearly knocked him over as well.

"That was a close one, (Y/N)." I laugh and smirk back at him.

"Just because I'm down an arm, doesn't mean I'm weak just yet." George takes another swing. I manage to dodge it, sidestepping out of the way easily and taking the open opportunity. George is too slow to realize and when he does it's too late. His clumsy block with his shield caused him to lose his footing and fall to the ground. I did it... My eyes widened in shock. I actually did that... I wasn't too sure if I'd succeed, but I did. George is silent as I stare down at him.

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