Prologue (Part 2)

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Three years later

It was a warm August evening. Izuku had turned three a little over a month ago, and he would be starting preschool in September. For a three-year-old child, he had quite the broad vocabulary - this was because the only person he ever talked to was his father, and he just assumed that the way his father spoke was how everyone spoke.

Izuku sat at their small, rectangular table, kicking his feet and letting the bottoms of his shoes bounce off the legs of the chair. He fiddled with the hem of his shorts absentmindedly, watching as his father prepared dinner.

Today was a special day - daddy's birthday - so they were having a special dinner. The name of said special dinner was a weird word Izuku couldn't pronounce. Cocoa vin? Daddy said it was French, which was what they spoke in a place called France. Izuku wondered if they'd ever go there; daddy said probably not, but a boy can dream.

Izuku watched curiously as Hisashi poured some of his 'grown-up juice' over the chicken. He then nearly fell out of his chair when his father leaned over and his mouth - along with the entire chicken - burst into flames.

"Daddy! Your face is on fire!" The little green-haired boy cried with alarm.

Hisashi only laughed. "Don't worry, Izuku. It's just my special power."

"You have special powers?" His emerald eyes widened, barely noticing as the fire vanished just as quickly as it had appeared.

"Yes, everyone does. Well, almost everyone. They're called quirks."

"Do I have a quirk, daddy?"

"Of course."

"What is it? Is it like yours?"

"I dunno, kiddo. You'll have to wait and see."

"How long will I have to wait? Do I have to wait til I'm sixteen, like with grown-up juice?"

"Oh, no, not nearly that long. Most people get their quirks when they're four. So you should get it soon after your next birthday."

Izuku grinned. "I can't wait to see what it is!"

"Me neither, Izu," Hisashi replied, smiling as he ruffled his son's fluffy green hair. "Me neither."

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