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Hey muffins,

let me officially welcome you to my WORLD OF RANGING EMOTIONS where writing is my THERAPY.

Life is a BITCH. Yh! I'll say the B world. Things just don't go the way we want sometimes or most times. We feel these things and we have no one to share it to because we feel they'll never understand but bottling up these emotions ain't good for you, keeping these feelings ain't healthy for you. If there's one thing I've learnt, it's that don't ever keep it in. Cry when you feel like crying, scream your heart out if you fee like it, wail and sulk if it's gonna make you okay.

Don't ever keep it in cause if you don't get over something then how will you move on.

The comment section is opened to all. Share your thoughts, share your experience, share your advice. Let loose cause no one is here to judge you but to listen, learn and feel better.

See this place as your little journey to happiness. You can be happy. No matter what anyone has told you, happiness was created for you. Don't ever think you can't be happy okay!

Now what are you still waiting for? Join me on my little journey to happiness.



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